New York superintendent crowd-surfs at high school game before DWI arrest (video)

Originally published at: New York superintendent crowd-surfs at high school game before DWI arrest (video) | Boing Boing

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Seeing that he’s facing down, I guess I’m glad he didn’t get sick. :man_shrugging:


0.15% is twice the legal limit in New York. I doubt my blood alcohol is ever below that. In the UK the blood alcohol percentage is what? 0.35%? So FIVE TIMES the legal limit in NY.
And I thought the French were stingy with their 0.2%.



I was curious about this so I checked, the BAC limit for the UK is .08% just like most of the US and Canada. However you may be confusing this with the 35 μg/100 mL alcohol in breath limit used when testing via breathalyzer.


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