New Yorkers: To avoid Ebola, don't eat Ebola-infused poop or snot

NB. Not Errol Morris. (According to the video, “Errol Louis”)

Brain hurt from logic. Better eat some poop and snot.

Packing for Mars by Mary Roach has a great history of body-waste disposal in space, from kneading bags of feces with bacteria-inhibiting chemicals, to toilets that never quite work properly. Fun reading.

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Welp. There goes breakfast. Why’s The Man gotta ruin everything, huh?

Sub standard? Mine is the Platonic Ideal, Madam.

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Can you please share some of that with me ?

Yeah, don’t eat poop, ha-ha. What the anchor is really dancing around is that they’re trying to encourage the use of barrier protection during sex.

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