Ninja Turtles (2014) Trailer

Megans new nose is sharp enough to slice cheese.

Michael Bay should just sell us replicas of his cock.

This tiny penis sculpture promises to give women confidence at the negotiation table

Wilson: I carry mine all the time. Mineā€™s a lefty, go figure. I remember one day when I was picking my kids up from school, I reached in to get my keys out, and I realized, I just touched my dick.

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Ouch, I hope some of those later photographs are just bad lighting or poor makeup choices because sheā€™s getting that plastic cadaver look already. A few more years of that and sheā€™ll look like Michael Jackson.

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Iā€™m a minor comic book fan so I may be biased, but I think itā€™s a good thing. A good thing mostly because itā€™s pushed out the post 9/11 MILITARY MIGHT or SINGLE TOUGH SOLDER SEEKS VAGUE VENGEANCE craze; and the failures of Battle Ship, Olympus Has Fallen, and White House Down has shown that the market for those have dried up.

I donā€™t know about plastic surgery or not, but she looks way more attractive in 04/05 with a genuine smile on her face (and a bit of a tan?) than when angrily vamping with dark make-up on powdered white skin.

Of course, everyone looks better when they appear happy and not undead, to me at least.

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Not meā€¦

I think thereā€™s a standard Hollywood Movie Template (HMT), which a large percentage of movies follow, from several regions, certainly the US, but Bollywood and Hong Kong as well. The movies most advertised are generally in that pattern, but other types of stories are available if youā€™re looking for them.

How has no one ever made a short with a slow-motion fight sequence of that?

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Iā€™m so glad that Iā€™m not the only person to think that.

ā€¦and thereā€™s the other sideā€™s representative.

In my youth, there were countless movies that promised the next Star Wars level superhero movie, and delivered 1990ā€™s level Captain America, David Hasselhoff as Nick Fury and Howard the Duck, really an entire genre that did not so much fly as plummet. Not going to feel bad that there are some decent movies in the genre being made, hopefully no one is forcing you to watch them.

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Wake me when a studio grows the balls to make a hand-drawn animated feature of a comic book movie.

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You people think youā€™re mad about Bay ruining this now, I canā€™t wait to see the spit hit the fan when he announces Shia Labeouf as Casey Jones :smiley:


Donā€™t you DARE badmouth Howard the Duck.

Donā€™t. You. Dare.

The Dark Knight Returns films werenā€™t released in theatres, but theyā€™re both feature length and damn entertaining.


I deeply loved the books.Ā  If you came across it as the movie first, I could see someone having a bad-movie crush on it.Ā  I would not stomp on your feelings for the movie, but my love for the books was pure and beautiful.Ā  We were to be wed.Ā  The movie changed all that and we drifted apart. Ā 
But I would not stand between you and your happiness with the movie.

yes, heroes have been around for ages, but the op was clearly asking about the American (read:Hollywood) obsession with bloated, over-hyped, ridiculously costumed cliche machines being crammed down our throats at every turn lately. this is clearly itā€™s own thing and very different from the traditional epic heroes of oral tradition, etc.

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Yeah, Iā€™ve heard that re: the books vs the movies. But luckily (at least in terms of my enjoyment of the movies) I never encountered the books (I was more of a Marvel guy during my brief flirtation with the comic world), so I didnā€™t have any preconceived notions going in (other than my buddy at work saying ā€œHey, you should check out these movies - theyā€™re pretty goodā€)

Howard the Duck was always in Marvel, but the backwaters of it. So he may be in the next Avenger movie. Though he might be more Guardians of the Galaxy material.


Oh wait, DUH, you were talking about the Howard the Duck books. I thought you were talking about the Dark Knight Returns films/books. Yeah, with Howard the Duck, I didnā€™t even KNOW that was a comic book until years and years later (I was about 8 when the movie came out). :slight_smile:


What dumbs down this country more?
Pop radio DJā€™s
Trace chemicals in our food supply
Rush Limbaugh
Political ads
Michael Bay

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f) All of the above.