No Action Figures Please

I have to wonder if there are bulbs out. If so, from experience, OSHA will ding you for that. And by “ding”, I mean “fine”.

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Port, in my experience, exists in only two states: ‘closed’, and ‘no more port’.


The theory predicts also an intermediate state. More experiments are needed to prove its existence.


I see them as right about here on the Sigmoid Curve

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Sounds like they are trying to impress executives without having enough money to do it right. Goes without saying that they’re pushing out employees who meet their target demo.

I’m at a Time Warner company on the East Coast, in a cube on a floor with legal and ad sales execs. Ferarri red Ikea shelf I made into a multiple monitor stand, 2 action figures (one a house property, one giant one from a vendor), 4 stress balls (all house properties), a giant tub of blue silly putty, whiteboard wall covered with magnets and weird art and a wall full of stupid cartoons and pinned up tchotchke and a half dead plant. The sales and legal types have WAY better shit than me, though it runs to signed sports memorabilia (I DO have a sleeve of Ryder Cup golf balls and a PGA championships flag).

Since we’re a REAL media company, when we have to impress the silk-stocking grown-up types, we haul them to the top floor, which is nothing but beautiful, clean executive hotel offices. But jesus, you wouldn’t expect anyone to actually WORK up there, certainly not with any creativity.


Thanks for the correction.

I had something in mind like, “Workers of Wired, feed your tribbles! You have nothing to lose but your grains!” But, that only makes sense if tribbles on desks become significantly more common.

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Take Your Action Figure To Work Day sets 2015 date

Following a successful launch in 2014, Action Figure Work Day has set Friday, March 6th 2015, as the second annual Take Your Action Figure To Work Day.

Take Your Action Figure To Work Day began when Randy Ham brought a Teen Titans Raven variant to work with him and posted a few photos of her in his office. He got so many positive responses, he decided to do it again, and see how many other people would participate.

With only 3 days to prepare, he set Friday, March 7th, 2014 as Take Your Action Figure To Work. People were encouraged to bring an action figure to work and post pics on social media using the #actionfigureworkday. Online invites were sent out, event pages were set up, and texts were furiously typed. Within a day, the event was picked up by a couple of news outlets, blogs, and several retailers and toy companies (Hastings Entertainment, NECA Toys, My Face On A Figure, and others).

By the evening of March 6th, tweets with the hashtag started coming in from Singapore and New Zealand. All day, from all over the world, social media was full of pictures of action figures at work.

This year, Action Figure Work Day revamped with a new logo, a streamlined hashtag, #afwd2015, and a new website ( The campaign has also enlisted the help of My Face On A Figure, so that participants can purchase a customized action figure of themselves through a link on the Action Figure Work Day website.

‘The goal of #afwd2015 is simply to share a love of action figures and pop culture across the web,’ says founder, Randy Ham, ‘We just wanted to create a social media holiday like no other.’

Twitter: @AFWorkDay
Hashtag: #afwd2015


Lando, expressing solidarity with cube dwelling action figures everywhere.


Please Rob more dramatic readings! That was fantastic!


I’ve found that the intermediate state is impossible to accurately observe. You’re right though, we need more data.


You consider it a fair exchange to put a strong lingering odor in the air that is objectionable to most people for a normal office-kitchen odor that makes you and probably you alone gag?

That’s like farting in the elevator because you don’t like the smell of everyone else’s coffee.

Don’t know about microwaving fish but we’ve been banned from microwaving popcorn after multiple fires (and expensive evacuations and automated call out of the fire dept).


My pet mold…

It lives on top of a bookshelf in my office - it gets fed with the cold remainders from my mug. (Poor thing is almost dead after a extra long holiday break).

It does give our cleaning lady, Maria, a chance to destroy a serious culture every once in a while…


Take Your Action Figure to Work Day

Honey? Is that you?



I’ve been waiting for eight hours for @Brainspore to provide us with an image of a Dementor with shades and a pageboy haircut sharing an elevator with a luckless office minion.

Ah, well. I can’t draw nor 'Shoop, but I can dream.


I dunno. I’d sooner gag at the oatmeal than at the fish myself. But then, though I put up with the foul smell of everyone’s coffee out of an awareness of my own weird sensibilities, I have on occasion cut one in the elevator to try and mitigate the stench of a previous occupant’s stogie.

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That’s wrong on so many levels.


True that. A fart in an elevator is wrong from the ground level all the way up.