I see the foundations of a self sufficient dystopian city state.
“Dr EvilDictator the whole world wants to know how you have managed a sustained peaceful state with such low energy costs”
“Well my pesky journalist, we start with these miniaturized tidal electrical generators and these pools of piranhas - then we dismember our dissidents and throw them in. Would you like a closer look?”
"Arrrr… "
Am I the only one feeling disconcerted after getting gore-bombed by the thumbnail preview image in the upper left-hand corner of the window after the video is over? Yes, YouTube analytics robot, I have to agree, that thumbnail is definitely for a, um, related video. (If you don’t know what I’m referencing, trust me – just forget I mentioned it and go about your business.)
That’s what I was thinking, Piranha look like sunfish with dentures.
The fish to be scared of if they got a taste for human flesh would be bluefish, 15 lb is common & they easily bite footlong baitfish in half. Fishermen have lost digits, and people have been seriously bitten on the NE US beaches when they weren’t smart enough to get out of the water when the blues were in a frenzy on bait in the shallows. It looks a lot like the video.
When I was traveling in Brazil I was told by locals the risk with candiru was if you peed underwater, as they were attracted by urine. They were probably playing it up though. The likelihood of a candiru parasitizing a human is apparently quite rare/nonexistent; there are very few documented cases, and even those are controversial. If it were even an occasional occurrence, you would think there would be a stream of cases from rural health centres in the Amazon basin, and warnings to travelers. There aren’t though, so I think this is mostly a myth.