Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/02/02/no-deal-no-future.html
Brexit always did seem like a shitty idea. Now we have proof.
I remember when the worst case scenario for Great Britain was “Airstrip One”. Now thanks to these clowns and fascists it’s “Trash Tip One”.
Cool! The land of Darwin going for a national Darwin Award!
Twitocracy in action.
I have the perfect location for that slurry.
Does " putrefying stockpiles of rubbish" mean “groups of politicians” as it does in the US?
Here’s a better option:
Centuries of experience with short-term biohazard waste containment.
They’ll be more than enough slurry for both repositories!
William Morris suggested that the Houses of Parliament be used for exactly this purpose 130 years ago.
This could actually be good news for assorted anarcho-syndicalist communes across the land!
Must have shovel.
(I know it’s a joke, but I’ll continue anyway)
If I thought that anarcho-syndicalism would actually happen then I wouldn’t be complaining about No Deal Brexit.
Remember that the planned martial law isn’t there to stop looters (although they will do that without question), it’s to stop people from expropriating the means of production and distribution. Looters show that authoritarian government is needed, functioning libertarian-socialism shows that it is not. What is more scary for an authoritarian right wing political party?
This all sucks of course, but… where does the UK send its slurry right now?
EU counties are entitled to send some of their slurry to the European Parliament, but once Britain restores her sovereignty, they’ll have to keep it all in the house of commons, unless they devolve more powers to regional assemblies.
The EA source said: “The examples seem like real possibilities. There’s a serious amount of panic going on.”
Lambs and cows and chicks better worry,
When their knee deep out in the slurry,
When their knee deep out in the slurry with the stink on top.
Where did they send it before Britain joined the EU?
No-Deal Brexit–DEEP AND HARD.
Ref rubbish, we export a lot for processing (burning/digesting in EU-based facilties that need our rubbish as inputs), under licences that will not exist if no deal.
Ref slurry, it is the stopping of animal exports to Europe and the resultant increase in numbers of animals left on farms that will create more slurry than farmers have capacity to manage. Almost literally, almost all industries are run on a just-in-time or minimal over-capacity basis, with zero slack. Disrupt it even trivially and the ripple effect quickly becomes tsunami-like. (Liquid metaphors deliberately used.)