No one stopped this museum visitor from removing a painting from the wall and walking out with it

I would have assumed it was performance art, a la Banksy.


The IEEE should give an award for social engineering.


He had the red halo of invisibility. Standard stealth tech for burglars.

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Maybe they just have a No Chase policy…

ETA: well, that would have been a pretty clever gif drop, buuuut proprietary gif repositories are strangling gifs to death. in a way, it’s art theft…

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In fairness to the security team, if you were watching it live it was like trying to spot the gorilla in that basketball video.

“I went to the museum the other day, and I saw a painting labeled, ‘Loaned Anonymously’. So I went to the front desk and said, 'I’m the one, and I’d like it back now.”

(Emo Philips)

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