Nobody wants to host to 2022 Olympics

Really, a city in a former Soviet Republic is insanely polluted? Whodathunkit?

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Only capitalist propagandists!

Wow, now I’m really glad that Chicago didn’t win its bid for whatever summer games it was bidding for–the city’s in enough financial trouble as it is.

My guess for these games? Dubai. They’ll just import enough slave, er, “guest” labor to build a mountain for the ski runs and spend $50 billion (all from foreign investors) on a snow machine that can be seen from orbit, and house all the athletes on that artificial archipelago that they built in the shape of the globe. After the islands that make up “Australia” crumble into the sea, taking the entire Australian team down with them, Joi Ito writes a lengthy blog post on how it isn’t Dubai’s fault.


Yes Mr IOC President. It is a rare delicacy of Norwegian fruit in this time of year. It is the fruit from the Northern Caribou Flower that after picking is mashed and allowed to refreeze. Though the flower and fruit are white, the flesh is bright yellow. Please Sven, bring the IOC members their yellow snow cones…


It´s the winter olympics. See how the mountains rise above the smog? Problem solved. Or, depending on how much of them is still hidden below smog-level, it could make for an interesting challenge in the second half of a downhill race.

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You have to put up the king of Norway as well, mind.

As Harry Shearer says,

The Olympics! It’s a movement!
And we all need one – every day!


The athletes all live in the Olympic village, though…

While this stipulation could theoretically be for the athletes themselves, certainly everywhere else in the list that they’re referring to “IOC members” it’s supposed to be the committee members, not athletes.

I looked him up, I think he would be a good older gent at the party guy. As long as he stays away from the Speedos, he’s in!

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As it happens Dubai are hosting a World Cup soon, but basically everything in your comment is correct, except instead of a snow machine, substitute an air conditioned stadium. I am not even joking, they are air-conditioning a whole stadium in the middle of the desert. Just think how much energy that will require.


Almost as much as being used to power discussion boards about it?



Nah, probably a lot more to AC a whole stadium. But, I wonder. It’s like “buying local” – it’s sometimes less environmentally friendly when economies of scale are taken out of the picture (tractors for lower amounts of crops, not optimized, etc etc etc). It seems counter-intuitive, but so much of bean-counting actually is. If it was intuitive nobody would ever overdraw a checking account.

I think you meant to say they’re going to air condition twelve stadiums.


That are claimed to be “carbon neutral.”

Oh yeah, FIFA is on the up and up, what could go wrong?

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