:horror: :shock: :dismay: :terror:
Welp, someone needs to expand their emoji palette.
:horror: :shock: :dismay: :terror:
Welp, someone needs to expand their emoji palette.
Same with their filter to censor words. I need Mayo and mayonnaise to be added. Mοist is so 2017
Had it. It was disgusting.
I feel like that’s the point.
Now that sounds loverly. Of course, it’s missing garlic though.
Well, I loathed vanilla ice cream as a kid (great as a reason for lots of chocolate syrup tho). But then, it was fake vanilla. It was ages later that I had Amy’s Vanilla Bean ice cream and realized what I’d been missing.
Probably not a good idea as, oddly, cats tend to be lactose intolerant. They might like milk yet still not be able to digest it well. On the other hand, they CAN process salt water (the Dead Sea might be a bit much for them) as their renal system is amazing to the point of being able to process fresh kill into enough water to sustain them from having to even seek out water.
That would be my place, but that’s garlic salt and vinegar.
Just to be clear here, I do NOT think that even garlic has enough garlic.
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