Not a creepy photo at all: 'Merry Christmas from President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump'

That surprised me too. Isn’t this gown season? The question is though… Who wears the gown?

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I can’t help but think of what the photo would look like after dark with the lighting from the visible sources. Red shades on the lights would highlight the doorway, the hallway leading to it a shadowed recess, indistinct figures in red tinged shadow (the red of the carpet lost in the red light).


Until you are dragged off to a Area 51 Walmart FEMA camps for not be worshipping the Orange Azz Holiest.

It looks like his hands were definitely photoshopped to make them look bigger. They look fake. He has an obsession about his tiny hands.

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“That’s fine, except my hands. Make them bigger.”

“Yes sir, Mr. Preznit.”

tenor (13)


It’s a shitty, ill-fitting tux in the first pic, because he demanded MASSIVE SHOULDER PADS.

There’s something about the angle of the stair railing above them that speaks to me



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