Not weird, not funny, but a deeply disturbing Fox host

So, if a man votes for a man after voting for a woman, does it transition you back? Does it always depend on the last person you voted for? Or, is your gender the average of all the people that you have voted for?

I did not expect the news of our non-binary future to come from Fox News.


Does one instantly transition to a woman after one vote, or is it a cumulative process, such that one could just vote for women until one had a full head of silky, lustrous hair?

Asking for a friend.


Please stop using twitter for clips. They are available from other sites not openly fascist.


This is why you need to purchase my patented ball-tanning machine!
It counteracts the girly effects caused by voting for a woman, or as we call it, the testicular deficient!


I heard a scientist say…

Your ears - and everything between them - are defective, mate.

Name the ‘scientist’, go on. Oh, wait…


I heard a scientist say that every time you open your mouth a baby dies. When will you stop it? /s


There’s an old joke that’s relevant here, about a barber and his customer.

The barber tells the customer that his hair is getting thin, and it’s because every time it’s cut, it loses some vitality. However, the barber can restore that with a special treatment he offers.

The customer asks “If my hair is becoming weak because it’s being cut, then why is it that my beard is just as strong as it was when I started shaving decades ago?”

The barber replies “That’s easy. You’re not the kind of man that story was meant to be told to.”


I love his co-conspirator’s comment. “Oh, is that right? The science says that?” Sarcasm you could cut with a knife.


What’s weird is how watters can say shit like this and keep a straight face but the idea of a straight face may not fit in this discussion. Guess I should question how he can say stuff like this and not crack up.



“And to be a man and then vote for a woman just because she’s a woman…”

ah. is this some rethoric trick to cover his ass or a badly camouflaged attack on harris, implying shes incompetent except being a woman? both, I guess?

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