Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/13/nude-man-who-drove-into-grocery-store-arrested-after-he-later-ran-naked-through-a-senior-home-video.html
Darn, I was hoping for a “nude in Publix” joke.
You can clean that up. I’m not cleaning that up.
Don’t look Ethel!
Montana, you say.
But he’s definitely been to Florida, right?
I totally missed the word “Montana” when reading the article and just assumed this was in Florida.
Isn’t the very nature of this bb post essentially gawking and laughing at someone who likely has mental and/or addiction issues? The acceptability of doing this seems to widely vary on this site and on the forum imho.
It’s the “nude” part that made this newsworthy.
Came for this, left satisfied!
Nude dude was mad RUDE.
“Naked Aggression.”
Just a friendly reminder to wear a mask. And your clothes. And keep your car outside.
I heard that three old ladies at the senior home had strokes.
A fourth lady tried to have a stroke, but she couldn’t get close enough before the police arrested the guy.
bringing super bad jokes to you to hopefully distract you temporarily from the shitshow that is US politics.
Just glad to hear no one got hurt. Had to be scary for all those folks just there to do some shopping, let alone the nursing home people.
Me too!
Among the food, he was lewd. He’ll be sued.
“Nudesworthy” is a category on Boing Boing.
Burma Shave!