NYT op-ed: "Detested and defeated, Donald Trump is now in a tear-the-country-down rage"

Of course MANY on the right rail against “political correctness.” Excessive deference and worry about the feelings of others can be counterproductive to discussing contentious issues, But becoming incensed at any sort of restriction on the bounds of polite discussion, is something that seems to consume much of the right-wing commentariat. You simply can’t help but think that railing against “political correctness” is a coded way of complaining that SOME people think that it is impolite to say racist things in public, like we did in the good old days. This was around before Trump but he has taken it mainstream, and the bigots love him for it.


That would fit into the modern dynastic trend in US politics…


And it’s a safe bet that flag has pockets.


They have been inciting hatred against people like me for all of my life, and before then we had this…


I agree but for the caustic remarks being thrown from the audience. Certainly nowhere near the tempo or volume of today, but the weeds were definitely in the patch by then.


I know, and I think she’s great, but I have mixed feelings on the first two women to fill the job BOTH rising to national prominence as the spouse of a sitting President. It sends a bad message and kind of stinks of nepotism. As it is, if Hillary gets two terms that means that just two families will have held the White House for 24 of the previous 32 years.

I sure wouldn’t mind seeing Michelle appointed to the Supreme Court though. The Notorious RBG lost a lot of love from me when she publicly attacked Colin Kirkpatrick Kaepernick this week over the anthem thing.


McCain maintaining a basic level of decency in political discourse despite having to cater to an often vile and xenophobic base is part of why I still have a measure of respect for him.

Contrast this exchange from 2008 with the Trump campaign today:


If he actually takes the NYT to court, and if Melania goes through with her threat against People Mag., he may have to remove that “rich” part for all the lawyers’ fees and damages he’ll be gushing.


How much of that is down to systemic sexism that makes it hard for women to get the prominence otherwise? As mentioned elsewhere, women campaigning for election get more criticism for it than men do.

I still think that the GOP missed a trick by not being able to convince Rice to run (war crimes or no).


As far as RBG goes, I wasn’t impressed by that either, but I don’t know how out of character it was really. How close is the “Notorious RBG” character to her judicial record?


I agree. Of everyone in the Bush White House she was the one I respected most (or at least, _dis_respected the least) largely because she vehemently disagreed with Dick Cheney on almost everything.

Plus, “proof” that the GOP isn’t really sexist or racist! How valuable would that be to them right now?


I will raise you one Democrat County Super who looks like Lincoln!:



And it’s been four years in the making. If you were a success, you didn’t build that alone, but Republicans, this failure is all your own work.


And now there’s the Washington Post to think about…

I wonder how long it’s going to take for him to threaten them?

At some point he’s going to end up needing to pretty much sue everyone in the media.


Well I’d support Elizabeth Warren, and I have now idea what her husband’s name is…


Fiber helps.

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So would I. But she’s a good example of women being popular when they are in a position, but demonized for runnning for it beforehand:


Oh, undoubtedly. But to have zero women in the White House for 240 years and then choose former First Ladies as the first two would underscore the sexist notion that a woman can’t get into a top position without the help of her powerful husband.

I think Michelle will show us she has decades of good left to do for her country (and I’m not joking that she’d be a good SCOTUS pick), but if she’s ever elected POTUS I’d prefer woman serves in the office first just to demonstrate that there are other paths to the office.


As much as I disagree with her politics, I get the impression that she was the smartest person in the room during the Bush II administration.

I’m not too surprised that she didn’t want to be part of the shit show that was the republican primary.


I’m like: wait, what? When did I talk about him making a concession speech?

Ohhh…yeah, now I remember!


To be fair to me, you wouldn’t post a 27 minute video of someone unknown outside their field.

To be really fair to me and others like me, you wouldn’t suggest only lecture format videos, which are difficult to parse for those with my learning disability.

To be fair to this guy and his ideas, as well as the rest of us, it would help if you explained 1) why we would be interested in listening to this guy explain his philosophy, 2) why we would want to parse his deconstruction of modern Western discourse at all, let alone within the context of this particular thread, and 3) why you would link to an obscure academic if you ‘haven’t formed your own opinion yet’ about what he says?