NYT seems to think "The Final Solution" was a bold housing policy

The Communists said that the neutron bomb was the perfect capitalist weapon, that it killed people and preserved property. Our response was that the neutron bomb was the perfect Communist weapon because it would kill capitalists and preserve the means of production. But that was a propaganda tit-for-tat exercise.



Easy. Fascist governments have provided plenty of templates for this sort of thing:

  • Have the deportees pay for it by seizing everything they have.
  • Co-opt the local self-styled militias, give them some sort of badge and free reign.
  • Have an established IT consultancy compile lists of people by harvesting data from social networks.
  • Cattle wagons and trucks are cheap and, um, “seat” quite a lot of persons.
  • There is no need for judges when there is no due process. If they want to keep up appearances they can get a couple of guys to rubber-stamp the lists.
  • Bonus points for making all of this technically “legal”; if needs be retroactively.

Did I forget anything? Oh yes, shove anyone who objects into one of the cattle cars as well.


So… do we know why the NYT has gone so badly off the rails lately? By which I don’t mean to imply that the paper was pure as driven snow at some earlier point; I canceled my subscription years ago. But the current egregiousness seems to point to some sort of change at the top that I personally don’t know about. Can someone help me out here?


Indeed they have. Not that the NYT will discuss those parts of this “plan” for affordable housing.

It’s baked into in the outlet. It’s just been brought into stark relief by one of the candidates representing the duopoly it accepts as a source of stability being both completely unsuitable and a threat to democracy (a lesser priority than stability for the NYT).

As ever, it comes down to their desired audience. Quoting myself, in order for the outlet to truly oppose a MAGA statement or policy it…

This tacit support for MAGA Republicanism comes in many forms. For example, here’s Nick Kristof this morning, white-knighting on behalf of the rubes who support America’s foremost and most long-standing public grifter:

Here’s Why We Shouldn’t Demean Trump Voters

Educated liberals often view the conservative working class with a whiff of condescension that is both unfair and counterproductive.

It’s our fault, y’see, for pointing out that they’re being conned.

[Anyone know why the NYT isn’t one-boxing anymore? Answers in the appropriate meta topic , please]


I’m not sure that team GOP would particularly mind excuses to paint due process as an unaffordable obstacle to doing what must be done; or to trot out cronyism and austerity as the clear solution to any economic disruption.


“Congratulations, recruit! You’ve just been confirmed by the Senate!”


in addition to your list, he’s talked about using us troops and national guard to do this. so they could start by using existing funding, and then use emergency funding without any difficulties

and the great /s thing is that it’s no longer illegal for the president to use military force this way, nor does the congress really hold the purse strings anymore since a gop led administration can also (il)legally redirect money however it wants


I thought she was quite good in “Grease” but to use her for depopulation seems a little OTT.

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Thanks very much for that.


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