NYTimes: Trump is dangerous, but Biden is old


Almost like every other election with an incumbent as president… but let’s not pay attention to that. Let’s keep panicking until we’re living in a fascist state… That’s much better.


Conspiracy theory of the day:

The opinion writers at the times are delusional enough believe they are helping the democrats save democracy by challenging Biden, however…

They have only been permitted to do this because the business division of the company knows a Trump presidency is good for business.

i.e. let the most activist, unhinged liberals with a superhero complex cause some chaos, perhaps we get more subscribers out of it


What percentage of the vote did he get?


In their reelection primaries Bill Clinton got 89%, Barack Obama got 90% and Joe Biden got 87%. All essentially the same.

End edit

Anyone who wanted to job could have thrown their hats in the ring. They thought they would lose. There’s zero evidence that any of them would beat any of the others who also didn’t run or would beat Trump.

The whole primary process is to see who the voters support and who can run a presidential campaign. If you swap in someone who wasn’t voted in by the people or shown they can run a presidential campaign- with no infrastructure, no fundraising and no ground game setup- you’re not setting yourself up to win.

And you’re agreeing with Trump that if you don’t like the results of an election - you can just disenfranchise the voters and throw out the results.

I voted for Biden in my primary. My vote should count.


The Times have always been elitist center right assholes. On Nazis, on civil rights, on Gaza, on gay rights, and on trans rights.

It’s reflexive. You don’t teach a beagle to chase rabbits.


i voted uncommitted, because, like many others - i wanted a way to communicate that biden’s policies re: gaza are wrong.

however, ■■■■■’s policies have been and would be so much much worse. the choice between the two men ( and i use that term loosely when it comes to ■■■■■ ) is clear

i will happily vote for biden come november. he’s done a great job overall. i could care less about his debate performance. it’s his performance as president i care about


This is something that mystifies me: why so many Democrats with megaphones say maybe we should have someone else run against Trump than Biden. Biden is not the ideal candidate, but he’s the one we currently have, he’s done a good job so far, and swapping out now will gift Trump and his ilk with yet another weapon against democracy. I will vote for any Democratic candidate, even a moldy head of lettuce, before I let the Republican Fascist party hold office.
eta: I hate conspiracy theories, but this is starting to feel like one.


Captain America Lol GIF by mtv

Tell me you don’t know what the Uncommitted Movement is or what it’s goals are without saying it.

The Uncommitted Movement is a coalition of mostly Democratic voters who have the goal of changing US policy towards Israeli military violence in Gaza (disclosure: I am a donor and voted uncommitted in my Dem primary). What it isn’t is a group of idiots. Uncommitted are driving to change Biden’s policies, not replace him with someone worse.

For reference: https://www.uncommittedmovement.com/


Permitted by whom? :man_shrugging:


Pretending almost all of those 650,000 voters won’t also vote for him in November when that’s explicitly in the movement’s position statement is just plain trolling.

ETA: it enrages me that you dare to hijack the Uncommitted Movement as propaganda against a president who has actually changed policy as a result of the good work of that progressive coalition, in pursuit of replacing him with someone much worse.


He “lost” the same amount of voters as his predecessors who won reelection.

“ In their reelection primaries Bill Clinton got 89%, Barack Obama got 90% and Joe Biden got 87%. All essentially the same.”


Biden is the candidate. Harris is running mate.

To get Biden off the ticket you have to convince him to step down, which he’s already refused to do, or spend a few months inventing new party rules to overrule the decision arrived at last year by the existing process.

Then you have to find a new candidate. There aren’t any who have a convincingly better chance of beating Trump than Biden. You have to find the money.

A lot of celebs have been panicked and bounced into dumping on Biden. They should grit their teeth and start punching at the enemy instead of their own side.


So… Bring in a candidate who promises to cut military support for Israel?
That would be the action to take based on wanting to win back those ‘uncommitted’ primary voters.

I think the NYT, CNN, and even Fox news would praise the Democrats for choosing a candidate more aligned with what most voters want, and give that person only positive coverage through election night! /s

Come on, any new candidate will get months of coverage along the lines of “Did Democrats choose the wrong person?”, “Worse than Biden? Democrats split on [Name]”, “Young(er) but inexperienced: what the democrats lost is their rush to dump Biden” etc etc etc


In an uncontested primary, where a protest vote can be lodged with no adverse impact, it is hardly worth looking at this as an indicator that he is unworthy. Some of those folks are sufficiently disgusted with the events in Gaza (the spark for the protest vote) that they will truly not vote for Biden in the end. That’s true. I will propose, though, that the number who will instead vote for Trump is vanishingly tiny, approaching zero. This was the voice of the most progressive of the Dem constituency. This is not the undecided, might vote for fascist dictatorship folks. If you are truly interested in protecting democracy, you will support Biden and any other Dems in an effort to oust the fascists from every seat they have glommed onto. This is not a show, this is life or death for a hell of a lot of people. The only ones who can’t see that are sitting in an exceptionally privileged place, and unable to empathize with those not similarly privileged. And the idea that throwing the Democratic party into chaos a few months prior to the election could possibly be a good thing is only true if the goal is to elect the Project 2025 folks to run the country.



So the NATO meeting was a huge success for Biden on the international stage. Right at the White House where all the press and all the political pundits can see.

Fucking crickets out of all of them. Lots about how he couldn’t possibly lead a summit of such importance. Lots about Trump golfing.


Actually, Trump requested it as a way to distract from his ongoing trial. Biden just agreed to it, perhaps enthusiastically


The voters, obviously. “Vote against the Nazi” is not hard to understand. Biden could literally be dead and still be preferable to Trump. Was this supposed to be a serious, thought-provoking question?

Look, we’d all like better options. But if people have the choice between Biden and Trump and don’t vote Biden, or don’t vote at all? I’m sorry, but yes, they are absolutely to blame for the fall of democracy through their inaction in one of the most important elections in history. Voting matters and if they don’t grow the fuck up and do what’s necessary to avoid a dictatorship, we’re all going to have much bigger problems than “Biden is old”.


I agree, but with the caveat that voters aren’t responsible for factors like voter suppression and disenfranchisement that will be a major factor in this election. Even with Comey’s October Surprise, the only reason T**** won in 2016 was voter disenfranchisement and suppression in GOP-controlled swing states.

The one thing I do hold Dems responsible for is failing to address that when they held congress. Or now that Biden has been handed the keys to God-Emperorhood by SCOTUS. But there is still time. :smiling_imp:


100% agree. One of my biggest fears is that, despite the media’s best attempts, we will have the numbers to beat Trump, but Republican election tampering will make them the victors whether or not they actually win.


As an outside observer, the rest of the world is amazed that your choice is between a convicted felon and self-confessed rapist, and a man who is clearly far too old for the job.

Oh, and we also think your presidential voting system is clearly undemocratic.