Obnoxious prankster puts out people's cigarettes with fire extinguisher

I’m sad at all the negativity here. He’s amazing. A complete genius. Maybe you have to have seen more of his work to appreciate this video.

I find him extremely likeable, and I think it’s because although he IS being an asshole, he’s right there, and has to kind of take the retaliation. There’s a level of intimacy to his work - he takes personal risk in all his pranks.


Because murder is the appropriate response.

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This extinguisher bit isn’t a prank though. It’s not funny, and it doesn’t leave all participants laughing. A prank at least gives the butt of the joke an opportunity to laugh about what happened. What this guy’s doing is simply assault.

If this is the caliber of “prank” he does regularly then he doesn’t deserve a single viewer. Because it’s not innovative or funny.


I was thinking more along the lines of him feeling scared shitless. Maybe have his team research which areas are least trigger-happy first.

Ditto. I have plenty of memories of walking out of a bar, smelling like an ashtray for the rest of the night and when I wake up the next morning. Not fond of any of those memories.


Personally the only kinds of pranks that I appreciate are 1) pranks that leave the victim laughing, or 2) pranks played on people who did something to richly deserve them. This gentleman’s work does not appear to fall into either category.


Maybe it’s just as well that I acted such a way in the largely pre-internet times of the 19A0s. There is less documentation to remind me of what an insufferable prat I was then. The embarrassing memories are enough!

I can appreciate being a bit confrontational, and using pranks to call attention to stuffiness and social issues. But it can all too easily amount to bothering people who were minding their own business

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Not funny, not clever. Just an asshole. He could arguably be doing a public service if he harassed people smoking in no-smoking zones, but all these people seemed to be minding their own business and not bothering anyone- I mean really, putting out someone’s cigarette while they’re in their car?

At the least, he could wait until the smokers litter by throwing their butts on the ground. Given the inseparability of those two habits, he’d still get to do his little prank 9 times out of 10.


It is not. Thanks to House M.D., this myth has legs for some reason. I knew a urosurgeon who corrected me on that one. The myth partly comes from stored and partially dehydrated urine having once found use as a disinfectant because it becomes hygroscopic and salty.


I’m going to presume that this wasn’t filmed in the UK…


Perhaps I should not have qualified an absolute term, but by “rather” I meant that it is far less biologically active than saliva. When in comes to human bodily fluids, urine is hardly ever a disease vector to the extent of saliva, blood, semen, etc.

My phrasing may have slightly exaggerated the case, but I don’t think it has anything to do with mythology.

If you can’t think of a single incident that could be described as destruction of property as humorous you’re so square the department of weights and measures should collect you.

And assault is often pretty broad as well, includes things like throwing shoe at a Bush or a Pie in a face.


If it is, then everyone who drives a vehicle powered by gasoline or diesel is much more of an asshole. Smoking a cigarette burns something smaller than your pinky finger, a tiny fraction of which is mildly harmful at an individual level. Drivers burn tremendous amounts of oil and are perfectly fine inflicting their exhaust fumes on everyone else. Walk through any city or near any road, the exhaust fumes are much stronger than the smoke, even if there are smokers nearby. And smoking isn’t causing global warming.

Ashtrays and trash cans used to be pretty ubiquitous. Most places have removed them now (maybe because they have to sweep the streets/sidewalks anyway, or they just enjoy the edgy atmosphere of having cigarette butts around?). It doesn’t gross me out, but I don’t like the litter, or the fires that start occasionally when someone tosses them into mulch or dry grass. But generally, people seem to prefer that.


That’s not a prank, that’s assault. I hope this guy ends up paying a lot of fines for being an ignorant dipshit. And for the record, no I don’t smoke.


Off topic, but if anyone in the Northern IL area knows where I can buy a CO2 extinguisher, or get it refilled, I would be very interested.

There’s a very unique fishing scene involving CO2 cannons that only exists in a few spots along the IL lakefront. Couple springs ago I gave it a shot with a water balloon launcher, but honestly didn’t get the distance necessary for a really productive outing.

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When my wife and I lost our first baby, I made sure she was OK and had everything she needed, then went on a walk to smoke and take it all in. If someone had tried this at that moment, I would’ve killed them.


Yes, burning gasoline (and more so Diesel) is a pretty appalling thing to do around people without breathing apparatus. We’ll look back and wonder what on earth we were playing at.

Of course, the ethics of internal combustion engines have nothing whatsoever to do with the ethics of smoking around people, not least because ICEs are actually useful.


The fact that I smoke today means I’ll be relatively civil. That’s useful fwiw. But yeah, given the choice of a do-over, I’d never start smoking again. It’s a nasty addiction that rots you from the inside. I just picked up my starter box of Chantix yesterday and I want to try and pick a week to start on it. Pretty sure I’ll fail, but it’s better than dying at 50 from heart failure or an aneurysm.

Seriously, tobacco should be outlawed and weed should be legalized. The relative harms are pretty clear that cigarettes destroy your body, while weed is pretty near harmless.


fuck him…!!ass ole

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Then pick a week in which you feel that you’ll succeed.