It’s like what the owner of the “Christmas Town” flea market imagines Italy to be like around the holidays?
Whoa!! The Sky!!! It’s so big and bluuuuue!
Not bad, not bad…
Cool! I checked for the words first recorded the year I was born, and it’s really interesting. Giving me a good idea for some home made birthday cards.
That site in general is pretty fun. They have lots of vocabulary quizzes, and you can sign up to get the “word of the day” sent to your inbox.
Really mind-blowing…
Quite a lot of words are not from the time I thought they would be, that’s for sure.
Oh, so that’s where I’ve left it! Mind like one of those things with holes in, lately.
Also this:
>ducks incoming thrown food<
Left my monolith somewhere.
I feel seen.
Shots fired. Genius.
So it’s Athens versus the British Museum, the world’s longest-running active crime scene.