The hell??
What were those sick bastards even testing for?
Run away!
Hoping for a clear sky at sunset
Or I could wait 80,000 years.
Caught this last night on the phone camera. The sky was actually dark to the eye, just after sunset.
Wow, really hoping for clear skies, but it is not at all promising here.
Also odd:
When I tryta post Stefonâs Accurate gif, tumblr gives me this:
Itâs esp odd b/c I grabbed the image off fucking tumblr in the first place!
Technically quartz is semiconductor as fuck.
Donât ask me, dude, I donât work here.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
- Counter-intuitive verb tense
- Narrated live or something? Why?
- Was taught to you in elementary but nobody remembers it right anyway
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs
- Easier place to tack on the missing letter
- How youâd normally hear about it
- Just how many dogs are we talking? Maybe it was actually cool