“El first car mass-produced by the brand would arrive in 1958platforms, DAF 600, a small two-door family sedan that featured a two cylinders type boxer refrigerated by a government-protected.”
Nice machine translation there…
Anyway, for those who don’t know: the “Variomatic” (sort of belt-driven, the belts needed to be replaced every now and then) automatic transmission was smooth (for the time), comfortable and you coud drive a DAF backwards as fast as you could drive it forward.
Around here they had the nickname Daffodils.
The Variomatic sort of lives on as some variants of CVTs, but drive-your-car-backwards-as-fast-as-forwards isn’t a thing anymore.
Ginger tea - esp when you boil hell outta thin slices of actual ginger root - is even better. Powdered ginger from yr spice cabinet works, too. Just stir it into freshly boil’d water.
Oh, for sure. That’s actually my go-to. I’m more likely to have ginger tea on hand than Vernors. And sliced ginger in a hot tottie with lemon and honey is quite good. Even better with a touch of booze. Despite all that, I never considered drinking Vernors warm. Or hot. It makes sense if that’s what you’ve got? But for hot drinks I’d go for ginger root or tea first before warming up pop. And the thought of hot Dr Pepper just infuriates me. But I guess that’s a me problem.
The Halla-aho posters, which at first glance resemble official campaign advertisements, were altered to display phrases such as “Fascist Halla-aho” and “Finland must be a safe space for Nazis.”
I couldn’t find the Man Yells at Cloud thread, so:
said the conspiracy theorist and Scientology stan. Apparently more serious films include The Fast and the Furious franchise, but just the early ones, because now there are too many crashes.
Anyway, I get the feeling he hasn’t seen Barbie and is mainly upset that people don’t want to work with him anymore. But maybe that’s just my fantasy.
From what I have had the misfortune of seeing from Oliver Stone, “serious” means treating something in a tedious and self-important fashion. Not only is Barbie about sexism, but it’s also light-hearted and fun. Fun is for infants, presumably.