Originally published at: Office furniture company: If you keep working from home you'll turn into a claw-handed hunchbacked cave dweller | Boing Boing
“If you’re going to work from home, you deserve some good home office furniture”. There’s your pitch, Furniture at Work. But no, anything that benefits workers always has to be some terrible apocalypse.
“My preciousssssssssssss…Aeron chair!”
She’s also fallen victim to weight gain, a weak immune system thanks to insufficient fresh air, anxiety and depression.
Ummm…Furniture at Work, have you even worked in a cubicle space in a sick building before?
Probably a campaign to get workers back into the office.
Don’t send traffic to the Daily Mail. Reason #912731293197293: They just hired Brexit Mc--Face.
Reliable sources tell me that work-from-home is actually what led to cannibalistic morlocks preying on the beautiful people of the surface world; real science by real men in lab coats right there.
This ties in very neatly with the recent post about Dupuytren. I work at home, so I guess I’m doomed to continue to curve my claws and return to the ways of my Neanderthal forebears.
lol this is gold
duly noted. their tweet, with those images of “Anna” aka our future claw-handed selves, were too good to pass up, though. but yes, I’ll try to stop doing this, thanks.
I was just about to request that they now show us how corporate executives would become the Eloi. Great minds…
Flickering fluorescent lights also contribute to health and vigour!
For sure. Vendors of office furniture are only one of many vested interests looking to do this, despite all the evidence that work-from-home provides equal if not greater productivity.
Frequent breaks, being able to get outside, or at least look outside, and not hating what you’re doing are probably more important than how expensive your office furniture is, or where you do it. Companies providing ergonomic evaluations focused on wellbeing, (not productivity), at office and/or home are also probably more helpful. Blaming people’s pain or bad health on their working from home is shitty.
I beat you to the punch, Furniture At Work. That’s already my “before” look!
you made me laugh out loud, for real
The Daily Heil?
Edit: @Rice
The lack of investment in proper biomechanics in the home office ain’t great. It will lead to a lot of injuries.
Notable, though, that the commercial office usually needs to be dragged, kicking and screaming, into making said improvements. Then there’s the consideration of air quality in those spaces, as materials and chemicals are chosen with no regard for air quality.
None of these things are givens for either setting, but we don’t need to make either space a sacrifice zone for proper health.
office furniture is what started me on the path to looking like that in the first place. leaving office culture and working for myself at home is what saved me.
Their study is outmoded; more recent studies have identified a difference between the futures of office-bound workers (picture on left) vs WFH (picture on right):
100% accurate!