On 4/20 day, Canada vows to legalize weed within one year

Meh, maybe that’s in the top 4 of the 20 or so persistent legends about the origin of 4/20, like the myth that you need an excuse to light up some good weed. Even so, have a blazing 4/20 fellow mellow Mutants! For the rest, happy April 20th!

Dear major Australian political parties,

With a Federal election looming, what better way to attract the youth vote than commit to legalisation?

Every one else is doing it!

ETA: Not really a reply to @Brainspore, tried to delete and repost but comment system won't let me, honestly I am completely sober....

Well, to get technical about it, they plan on introducing legislation to decriminalize for recreational use. It still will ahve to go for debate and could also end up being defeated or, more likely, mutated into some amendment riddled plate of spaghetti.

But, there’s hope and I will be watching this. I will also be emailing my elected representatives to support the passage of that bill when it does get introduced.


I’ve been consistently impressed by the progress the Liberals have been making on taking the country on a U-turn since the Harper era ended. Sure, they’ve done a few bad things like green-lighting massive weapons deals with Saudi Arabia and equivocating on really stupid natural gas drilling. But, they’ve made a hell of a lot of progress in respecting scientists and statistics again, bringing the provinces together to come up with a national climate strategy, and doing at least a little something to bring in Syrian refugees. And of course, this pot thing isn’t bad either.


Hell I bet if your some fat white guy who smokes crack you could still run for mayor.


You just need a beer to wash it down.

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Are you sure she didn’t say “pizza” and I also thought I heard “meatballs”. Sounds like she’s talking about an Italian restaurant to me…

It’s just cuz I’m half deaf. I don’t listen so well.

I’d like to be, but with everything they’ve done the “best” are just words on paper, the “good” are riddled with half-measures, and the “bad” are precisely what Harper & Co. were planning to do.

I find that I am not impressed with them but rather that their mediocrity merely emphasizes how bad Harper was, and thus how easy it will be to glad-handle the public as a result.

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I was sooo tempted to post that yesterday…

Good. It’s important to keep marijuana out of the hands of children because it might make them eat all their dinner and chill out for a moment. Worse case scenario, they might go to bed on time.


Sigh. Just as we’re slowly expunging smoking from polite company…

(And yes, legalization is a million times better than not. But I am not looking forward to the smell of marijuana becoming more common. To me it has the same sickly sweet smell as cigars.)


Yup. I rarely notice if someone smokes tobacco in my building. But when someone smokes pot, it stinks up my suite.

Legalize it, sure. But only when accompanied by rules allowing it to be banned in apartment blocks. Rules that can be enforced.

Thank God they’re thinking of the children!

Such an odd concern, as it’s one you never, ever hear about drugs that are actually dangerous…

Celebrating marijuana on Hitler’s birthday makes sense. He was infamous for going around asking strangers if they had any papers.


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