On knife-crime island, teens are not allowed to buy spoons

You can remove stock with a bastard file, finish up with a smooth mill file, and then use a coarse ceramic stick.

And you get what you pay for with files - the cheap foreign ones have the same temper as silly putty. Better to find old American files in flea markets. While you’re at it, buy a couple $10 Tramontina machetes to practice on.

You… don’t have much experience with rural areas, do you? Because as someone who grew up in the middle of nowhere AZ, I can’t tell you how much this made me laugh.


Back off man or I’ll spork you !


It wasn’t even all that long ago- 2001- that my High School’s production of Oklahoma! had Aunt Eller carrying a real shotgun onstage. We removed the firing pin and I think they filled the chamber with glue or cement or something. Somehow everyone survived…

At my high school (early 2000s) a student (happened to be an Eagle scout, this was zero tolerance in action) got suspended for having a box cutter in his locked car in the parking lot, because he worked at a grocery store and was heading there straight from school.


Come now! Spoons are dangerous!

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon


The funny thing is that we have this same law here is Australia, though I believe the age limit is 16. You also can’t buy aerosol paint unless you’re 18+. Because the discount stores are really gonna check you for ID and everything.

Millwall brick. Better than nothing, I guess, if only to avoid unpleasant knuckle bruises from the other guy’s face. More chosen for innocence of source material than efficacy, though.

Do you guys ever feel like a toddler, being told it cant have the scissors or not to touch the stove…i feel bad for people that are subjects to their masters.,…i know we arent too far away, but i will fight that with every iota of my being

A just state will jealously guard its monopoly on legitimate violence, without exploiting it. We don’t need competition in the murder market.

Ephebiphobia seems to be the great British pastime. ASBOs, witch hunts and all that.

It makes me long for a nice session of applied eugenics aimed at making the scary stupid powerful people just go away forever.

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An acquaintance of mine was suspended for 3 days at our school in Cambridgeshire for having a pistol and shooting three people with it.

1986, I think.

It’s funny how easy that is to fact check.

Compare, say, a map of violent crime rates by state with one of concealed carry states, and you find - very little correlation. The high crime rates in the shall-issue states of Nevada, New Mexico, Florida, and South Carolina, and the below average rates in the may-issue states of New York and Massachusetts, don’t exactly support your assertion


Holy moley…did you search for that, or somehow magically knew of its existence all along?

In the States, don’t they prevent kids from buying cans of spray paint?

First I’ve heard of that. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was true in some county or city, but it’s never been a problem where I’m from. Laws vary considerably by state, by county, or even by city (sometimes even by municipality!).

Must’ve gone to my high school. Sounds exactly like the kind of BS they used to do with the menace-of-that-day: cigarettes. FSM help you if you borrowed your mom’s car and didn’t thoroughly scour it first.

Especially in the spoon murder market, which is to be highly discouraged for its grossness.

For example, it’s illegal in the city of Chicago but legal in the suburbs. So it’s inconvenient but not really all that difficult to skirt the law.

Huh? Where?

When we were kids we used to take guns out by ourselves all the time during hunting season (you know, a little small game hunting before school), and while I haven’t been hunting for a couple of decades, I see the kids still do it.

You must live in a strange place, like in one of those things – what are they called? – where you stick a couple of million people together and they start acting like caged rats.

Cities! Yea, that’s right. Cities!

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When I was in elementary school (which, admittedly, was a long time ago), one of the kids decided to skin a 'possum for show and tell. It involved a real knife of course, but that wasn’t much of an issue, since a lot of kids carried Buck knives on their belts. (We were studying the settlers at the time, so it was vaguely on-topic.)

(But, IIRC, the teachers allowed kids to opt out of the demonstration if they didn’t want to see it.)