Jangos, Shirley?
This, I mean just look at Sheev. And unlike Obi Wan he sure has access to the best anti-aging products the galaxy has to offer.
“Back off, I plan to feast upon this child later!”
Also, Lucas decided to name him Sheev
Its pretty obvious now why he became a villian. Just think how shit school must hev been for him. “Hey, whats that smell? Did somebody sheev his pants?” - “Oh, thats a load of bullsheev!”
The Imperial Guard probably snicker behind his back about it too.
It was a construction worker’s lunch which got away and grew down there.
Uniquely, the Interstellar Animal Rights Protection League’s official policy towards the treatment and well being of spoo is simply “Kill 'em all”
I thought of that when I realized Peter Capaldi started playing The Doctor at the same age as William Hartnell was when he had to retire due to his poor health. And he’s only in his late 50’s.
He was sold as a big sized action figure before there was even a movie to feature him. His appeal had more to do with action figure promotion and that long period between Star Wars and Empire.
The Timeline of Galactic History on Wookiepedia (and I don’t know where they got these dates) says that it’s 19 years betwen the end of Revenge of the Sith, when Luke and Leia are born, and the destruction of the first Death Star in A New Hope.
Rogue One had a bare minimum of Skywalkers in it (totalling a minute or two of screentime, IIRC), and after a mere three weeks of release it’s already the 93rd biggest moneymaker (adjusted for inflation) of all time. I think Disney knows that an entirely Skywalker-free SW movie will still make money, if it’s even remotely good. Rebels seems to be doing okay without much Skywalker action, too.
I think Kathleen Kennedy and Co. know that they have a very broad canvas on which to tell stories, and that the Skywalker family doesn’t necessarily make up the absolutely essential pigments on the palette.
The Han Solo standalone might be a good indicator. Let’s see if they manage to do it with no Skywalkers at all.
Yup. They’ll just continue to rely on brunettes with accents.
Disney has stated that ‘Episode IX’ will be the final film in the “Skywalker saga.” There will be no ‘Episode X,’ and all movies after that will explore new storylines or other side characters.
Everything is set against the Battle of Yavin (the one where the Death Star blew up the first time), and Luke was 19 at the time. The dates before that part are in X BBY - before the battle of Yavin.
Gone With The Wind is my favourite Star Wars film.
Had to give some perspective somehow.
Wait for Gone With the Wind: Clone Wars.
I admired that it was the only one brave enough to make the film about the bad guys (although I was disappointed that they kept up with the policy of casting Brits in those roles).
Anakin: Frankly, Padme, I don’t give a damn.
Anakin blasts off in escape capsule
Padme: Oh, Annie!