If you want to highlight plot holes in the Star Wars timeline, don’t bring reality into it. It falls apart more completely when you bring actual Science Fiction into it.
You see! Proof! Environmentalists are really the real fascists!
The Death Star Officer’s Club salad bar is one of the shining jewels in the galaxy.
They have their Dianoga Compost Tea to thank.
I can accept those as part of what is essentially a fantasy movie about wizards and knights and evil sorcerers fighting each other with swords and magic.
Much like Lord of the Rings or Game of Thrones, it’s the plotholes in timelines and basic character motivations that bother me more than unrealistic depictions of science and physics.
Certainly. If irrational approaches to science and physics bothered me, I wouldn’t read most Science Fiction or Fantasy. I just wonder what a real Science Fiction author would do with cloned Jedi’s, networked Droids and the complicated interplay of not-remotely-human alien life forms and their weirdbeard weaponry.
Edit: Just to be clear, my definition of “real Science Fiction” does not prize so-called “Hard Science Fiction,” a subgenre I personally find to be essentially dreary and less interesting than all of the research used to produce it.
I don’t know if there’s really any way you could do a “hard sci-fi” approach to magical space wizards.
But how old are they in Wookie years?
Relativity - all of those planets are moving at different speeds in relation to the others…
I’m no physicist, but I believe the speed limit in a vacuum is the speed of light which would mean it could take years to get from one star to the next.
How people have proposed to surpass this is by manipulating space itself rather than simply travel through it. If you put two dots on a piece of paper, the distance to travel becomes a lot less if you could fold or crinkle up the paper to shorten the distance. So you wouldn’t even need to reach light speed if you were able to do that.
That’s a high bar to set. Has anyone else aged as gracefully as he has?
Patrick Stewart. Unchanged in decades.
(perhaps the secret is to lose all your hair early)
Weird Al?
Stewart’s secret was all that Spice Melange he did in the early 80s. Connery had the double blessing of being an ageless immortal who also drank from the Holy Grail.
If folding space is possible I wonder if there is a limit on the rate at which space can be folded in such a manner? Fiction tends to assume the folding is instantaneous. What if it took millions of years but once the fold was completed, travel through would then be instantaneous? Random thoughts over coffee…
Your pictures are dated incorrectly.
The first one is from ~1200 A.D., the second is from 1938.
There are pictures of Connery, not looking any older, from as late as 2293.
Yeah, he beats Connery by a long shot; he makes it to 10,191 without noticeably aging.
Yeah, there’s a reason why Boba Fett, who had almost no screen time in Empire immediately became a beloved character. He was just a character design plus some mystery, which made him one of the most interesting Star Wars characters.
Leia and Obi Wan make no mention of the Rogue One mission at all, even though Leia was right in the middle of it and Obi Wan had been warned in advance.
He also sold so many action figures that Lucas decided to make sure his next trilogy would feature THOUSANDS of Bobas Fett.