Yeah none of it has made sense on the timeframe. I’d buy it if it was a hundred years later or two, maybe a tad longer. But 1-2 generations is kind of too fast and it’s never explained.
Less than that—only 19 years later a well-traveled guy like Han Solo thought it was all a bunch of nonsense and Luke hadn’t even HEARD of the Force. Even if Luke’s aunt and uncle had intentionally tried to shelter Luke while he was growing up on the moisture farm you’d think he would have heard about that stuff from friends or during one of his trips to town.
Yeah, Han Solo talks about Jedi as if they had maybe existed 1000 years previously, but it was during his youth that they were wiped out, and Chewie is standing there, having been freaking personally involved in events of the prequels. This is what happens when you make up narratives as you go along.
“Arrrgaaahroooommmmmaaa!” is Wookie for “…dude, didn’t I ever tell you about the time I saw this little green dude with a lightsaber get a premonition that the Clonetroopers were about to turn evil, then did a crazy backwards force-jump and decapitated them both? Shit was cray-cray.”
It’s all much easier if you convince yourself that I-III don’t exist.
The issue Star Wars is having is that the movie prequels and sequels they do the property will start becoming less interesting. When people don’t know as much about cool characters and interesting contextual stuff (like The Force) all of that is mysterious and open to interpretation. Once you start meticulously explaining everything things start to be much less interesting. Leave something up to the imagination.
Moving forward they need to focus much much less on the main storyline of the Skywalkers and come up with entirely new themes to focus on. But it’d be a hard sell for Disney to take such a huge risk.
What is this 1-3 you speak of? There have been five Star Wars movies to date: four numbered, for some inexplicable reason, 4-7, and Rogue One is the fifth.
I believe you are forgetting Caravan of Courage and Battle for Endor, sir or madam.
Nope. Only power converters.
I know that you’re unsettled but, rest assured, in the Caravan of Courage: Special Edition the Ewoks blink.
I just want to say that sir Alec looks pretty darned good here:
He still looks healthy and active. Jimmy Smits looks like he’s had a lot of Hollywood skin-care treatments.
Well wait…isn’t this bail organa in a new hope?
It’s all the sandstorm microdermabrasion treatments.
I’m pretty sure those guys weren’t meant to be the same character seeing as how they were standing right next to each other during the briefing scene in Rogue One. But the franchise has played kind of fast and loose with continuity so who knows.
That’s Fake Dodonna.
Fake Wedge is just out of camera.
Why does the trash compactor on the unfinished Death Star come preinstalled with sea monsters?
It’s really a trash compactor/worm bin.
The Empire cares more about sustainable waste management than most people give them credit for.