Oh, he used to be SO pretty.
Time (and substances) have not been kind to Gary Dourdan.
Oh, he used to be SO pretty.
Time (and substances) have not been kind to Gary Dourdan.
See, mature well-dressed men, not young eye candy and you’ve got a whole other demographic keen to watch too!
Schitt’s Creek was the last show I remember that managed to have a believable gay male relationship, be nice if Hallmark tried even if they only did it for the money. “Pink Dollar” and all that (stupid phrase but that’s marketing for you).
Oh definitely - and because of their connections to general conservative groups, they have out-sized influence on government policy and appointments, too. But apparently signing up for the AFA’s email list is a thing that people do to trolley them, as it allows them to take AFA surveys. But it’s also clear that they have a lot of lazy supporters - people who support their views, but who will (literally) not lift a finger to advance it beyond what they’d normally be doing (like voting).
I know one person with that name - and purposely say “Ciao” before hanging up the phone. Otherwise, I wouldn’t stop laughing.
one billion moms. i mean, why not.
“Ladies (sic One Million Moms), relax. If your kid is watching The Hallmark Channel, he already gay as hell.”
Michael Che – SNL’s Weekend Update
Preferably a woodchipper
Somehow they remind me of The Village People.
these people are monsters.
Sounds like a super-villain in the Tick’s universe.
Tonight, the Tick faces off against The Terror, Man-Eating Cow, Joseph Stalin, One Million Moms, Chairface Chippendale, and One Ton & Handy. “Read a book!”
I believe that might be an insult to the Village People… seeing as the Village people aren’t hateful bigots…
Not at all - The Village People had a great sense of satire, and these self important strutting jackasses are a perfect joke. Sorry, I didn’t think I would have to explain that.
“The organization has also criticized GEICO for a commercial showing Maxwell the Pig in a car with a human girl, saying it suggests bestiality.[98]”
That’s some next level shit right there.
You said that a bunch of bigots reminded you of a disco group comprised of gay men…
No, these guys are a walking, living satire. The Village People were geniuses at performance satire. THAT’S WHAT REMINDED ME. Do not put words in my mouth.
To be fair, your initial comment wasn’t phrased very concisely.
Furthermore, it’s folly to assume that everyone reading it will immediately grok your joke, especially without the usual benefits of body language and tone of voice.
I will be more explanatory next time. Still, I think The Village People would have done some pretty funny stuff with this material.
I wonder what percentage of the owners of GMRS radios apply for a license. And how many are prosecuted for not getting one.
I was merely pointing out how your comment sounded… Perhaps you were not clear in your initial comment?