Yeah, basically. At best. They don’t actually divulge any numbers, but their “membership” consists of people willing to write emails towards whatever campaign they have going currently (i.e. complaining to whoever about excessive gayness). But it’s clearly not a very high number if they can’t even manage to gather more than a few thousand signatures - signing a stupid online petition is going to get a lot more support than something that requires work.
So when one group mocking them (and there’s more than one group) managed to garner six times as many Facebook followers, it really shows how pathetic the “Million Moms” really are (and caused OMM to leave Facebook, apparently for good, as I don’t see them on there). Still, not as bad as the uh, spouse organization, “One Million Dads” which took on other issues, such as porn. Apparently they folded after gathering a whole, um, three Facebook followers.
They coyly play word games on their website to basically admit:
They aren’t really who they say they are
There’s not really a million of them (it’s aspirational)
We are searching for one million moms who are willing to join the fight for our children. We want our children to have the best chance possible of living in a moral society.
And, despite our name, our membership is open to all. Singles are welcome!
Evidenced by the fact that they can’t get much more than 20k signatures on their dumb petitions. I would wager most of their members are white men as well.
I think there are a whole lot of people out there who agree with their sentiments. Don’t dismiss the danger because of the failure of a particular organization effort. If the far-right self-declared morale authority ever gets organized to vote consistently, we’ll get people far more dangerous than Trump running things.
trust me, no left-wing religious organization is getting all bent out of shape because two women are able to express their affection for one another without persecution.
Don runs a clothes shop that’s seen better days.
His old school friend, the star football player Gary, is back in town to visit his folks over Christmas.
To be fair, there are a whole lot of white supremacists who are not Christian (atheists, following some sort of take on Norse mythology, etc), and there are a whooooole lot of conservative Christians, of all sorts of denominations and cults, who hate LGBTQ folk.
Likely, but unfortunately I know way too many women who are really into the hardcore fundamentalist flavor of Christianity. I suppose for many of them the woman-is-the-servant-of-her-husband, men-are-superior-to-women aspect gives a sort of sense of security, maybe? That they have a clearly defined place in life and someone always tells them what to do, and also that they are being provided for.
For others, perhaps unconsciously they just get off on the dom/sub undertones.