One person has a double-digit lead over Trump, but she's not running

If this poll tells us anything at all, it’s that polls don’t really tell us anything at all.


Is that actually true? I mean, sure, it’s possible no one else could get their name on the ballot next to the party name, but as I understand it, it’s still the party’s job to choose a nominee and a slate of electors for each state. I have tried and failed to find an actually good and reliable summary of whether electors are pledged to vote for the candidate on the ballot or the nominee of the party because AFAIK those have never been different. It would be a huge legal boondoggle no matter what the outcome.

Still, if for whatever reason Biden wasn’t the nominee (in the simplest case, say he died next week, or during the convention), I genuinely can’t imagine the outcome would be “Trump runs uncontested.” Which means, there’s a way to change the nominee, if we needed to and could actually muster the coordination required to execute it.

That said,you’re still right that no one is going to step in and “save us.” Unless Biden chose to bow out, he’s the nominee.

We’re busy dithering and treating this like a popularity contest. Hand-wringing and questioning who’s a big enough political celebrity to save us.

Feels like a waste of time compared to actually organizing.

1 Like
  1. What do you mean we?

  2. Show, don’t say.


I don’t see that at all. I see people who are debating what the best course of action is. Action is great, but action uninformed by a plan is just pointless. We HAVE to communicate in order to organize.

And you really don’t know what others are doing IRL… You also don’t know what people are able to do based on their particular circumstances.


cool. What are you organizing? anything good? TBH if I was organizing anything I probably wouldn’t talk about it online though.


Seth Meyers Idk GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


If we’re going to bring up people who don’t want to run…

Elizabeth Warren polled 3 or 4% better than any other Democrat against Trump in 2020. I’m surprised nobody’s running polls on Elizabeth Warren.


Just like Michelle Obama, maybe people should listen to her about that?


Oh My God Omg GIF

Listen to women! What are you on about!?! No one should listen to women and what they want, they need to be TOLD what they want by men!!! /s


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