In a statement on its website, the State Department asked Americans to avoid international travel at this time due to the impact of coronavirus. In line with that, it said, it will only offer passports to customers with a qualified emergency.
Please save us from mediocre people who think that they’re clever. Jared (or some ass-kisser) thinks that changing the website is enough. What a maroon!
It’s almost certainly right in the preamble for the enabling legislation establishing the stockpile. Good luck on changing that in the near future. (I’d fish it out, but I’m not going to waste any part of a good day on that.)
Well, yeah. Very few of the people who get Covid-19 die, after all, be they rich or poor, famous or unknown. Even with the elderly people at the greatest risk, the odds are they will surivive.
It’s just that the rich and famous people are a much smaller category than all the rest of us, so ceteris paribus, there won’t be all that many rich and famous people dying from Covid-19.
This would go OT quickly, but let’s just say the word carries a massive cultural (religious!) baggage dating back at least to ancient Greece, and had been used since this time to legitimate the current political power.
I don’t think this is the place to discuss this, so we can just agree to disagree on this.
@d_r, you beat me to it. @GutRot, let’s discuss this another time, it ever.
To stay on topic:
The president of the RKI in Germany said today we are on a good way to reduce the infection rate.
There should be a formal amnesty and citizenship grant to every single undocumented worker who worked to get the country through the pandemic. That is something that shouldn’t be partisan or controversial in any way.
It depends on how you define heroism. I’ve always subscribed to the definition of courage being, doing something scary that needs doing, feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
You’re welcome to opt out, but it seems particularly relevant if the discussion is really about how to care for the frontline caregivers. That’s not academic in the least.
I don’t think there’s anyone participating in these discussions here that doesn’t hold the frontline caregivers in the highest regard, whatever labels they choose to use or reserve.
Tell me that they’re not selling the contents of the Strategic National Stockpile to distributors, who put it up for bidding war by the states. (My brain says “Of course they are!” but I never trust my brain.)