It was quite the non-apology apology.
I believe that my point still stands, regardless of the character of the person suing Fox News.
Parchmentfuckers like Masnick and Goldman believe that Fox deserves 1A protections even though their misinformation on COVID-19 is going to lead to people dying, including lots of people who don’t watch Fox News that get infected by the people who do. I firmly believe that free speech absolutists such as them are just as bad as the 2A fanatics who believe that mass shootings and endless daily gun violence are the price we have to pay for our right to bear arms.
This pandemic is already proving that we need to re-think a lot of things about our society. One of those things should be whether or not news outlets like Fox should be allowed to lie with impunity for the sake of profit, endangering people all the while, entirely consequence-free.
Since now that our tax monies will be used to bail out his hotels and businesses, it’s only fair that we the people should feel free to use his lobbies as public rest rooms.
Judging only by the headline, same was reported from Germany. All respiratory infections are lowering a bit.
Once in China, the water cut out for all of my apartment building. It stayed off for two or three days. So, people started shitting in the lobby.
I felt that “to shit in the lobby” really needed to become an idiom.
I’m not convinced we need to rethink free speech- but organizations and people need to be held liable when they exercise that freedom and harm people. If you shout fire in a crowded theater- you can be both civilly and criminally liable already.
Oh glob, we’re having discussions driven by professionals who think the socio-economic and social health issues are going to bad, and in the same breath attack the RKI case mortality figures without even revealing their fucking alternative approach.
The linked PDF has some important points, like questions about societal fallout if anyone tries a Singapore or Chineae approach, i.e. authoritarian and controlling on a level even the Nazis didn’t achieve.
However, their hot takes on the actual epidemiology are a disaster. Fuck them for mixing the two subjects.
Fully agreed. My point is that, how the courts interpret free speech and the 1A doesn’t need a drastic overhaul or page-one rewrite. But the status-quo, the way we give a free pass to people and organizations - especially organizations - who abuse that freedom so they can cause harm to others for their own benefit and profit, expecting “more, better speech” to act as the solution to everything? That needs to change.
Yes! Very much this.
One of the phenomena that they point out is, as more parks and outdoor spaces close, it concentrates people into a smaller number of open parks, making the whole situation worse.
In Oregon, there was a flood of anglers from Washington when WDFW closed all fishing in the state. Now, over half of the boat ramps are closed, and the ones that remain open are a zoo. As much as I love fishing, I see it as a nonessential activity. But there are people whose legs aren’t up to running or hiking as exercise, and one of the best forms of outdoor exercise for them is rowing/kayaking/paddling. And they are getting locked out or crowded out.
Except apparently not, as more clever people than me have explained.
There are, of course, consequences for complaining about the people shouting fire, so don’t worry, free speech is being protected.
Well, fuck.
Good write-up on how it came to pass that the Directorate for Global Health Security and Biodefense (the pandemic preparedness team at the White House’s National Security Council) was dismantled by the Trump administration, and what that means in the current situation.
Fuck’s sake, Ellen.