Open-air urinal facing tourist boats in Paris not welcome by all

I can see women carrying one inside a baggie in their purse.

Would you like to carry a urine baggie?

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Sure. Fathers carry tote bags with baby diapers, used & unused. So what’s the damn problem?

A baby bag is something else entirely. The problem is that people seem to think that making women carry a reusable pee funnel is just as easy as whipping out a dick.

I’m a bacpacker and I’ve used these. They leak if they aren’t carefully positioned, and they stink if they aren’t washed. I don’t use then because it’s easier and cleaner to just drop my pack and go squat.


BoingBoing decided my reply was too snarky. On reflection, I’ve agreed & deleted it.
See ya in the funny papers.

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The advantage to paying for them is that they are generally clean. The money ostensibly goes to the attendant, at least in part, who is supposed to tidy up and make sure stuff is stocked. That’s not to say that it always happens that way, but on average I’d say paid public toilets in Europe are signficantly cleaner than free public toilets in the US.

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Actually, France is one of the better places in Europe for out-of-the-house-toileting. There are two kinds of places that you can pretty reliably find free toilets: parks/places where people congregate to drink/picnic in the summer, and the squares where bigger markets are held.

The latter (even in some of the smaller towns) tend to have the free-but-tedious clean-between-each-user toilets. The former usually either have a permanent facility (e.g. in parks), or a stinking temporary facility of some kind (think port-a-potty or something like a four-way pissoir).

It’s also not unusual to see single-occupancy penis-havers-only urinals, but they’re not everywhere.

This is true. The only place I’ve lived that featured even more public peeing is Belgium.

Yes. Got a ‘she pee’ for a recent Africa trip. Didn’t use it at all because of the inconvenience, difficulty with use if you’re not wearing a skirt, and the whole distaste issue of carrying around a urine-soaked implement even though I double-bagged it.


I think there is a demand for more public toilets almost everywhere, but public urinals aren’t an answer to that. They’re an answer to the people who go ahead and piss on business owners’ premises / within tourist sightlines, and by definition, they find it convenient to piss in the open.

The moral isn’t so much that local governments only want to serve (a subset of) men; they don’t want to serve anyone, but if you force their hand by using the whole world as a toilet, and leaving them to clean it up, they will grudgingly and narrowly accommodate you.

If people took all the things they need public toilets for (peeing, pooping, hand-washing, changing babies, emptying colostomy bags etc) and did those things on the street in front of tourists, then you would get (among other things) more public toilets.

The only alternative would be to get involved in local government, but no one wants that.

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