Preemptively shouts “Last!”
checks watch and international time schedules. Irritated at convenient office hour mid-afternoon EST timing of topic close.
Posts holding comment
Spends day cruising google links to snarkporn. Decides to come clean, admitting snarkporn was entirely made-up diversionary tactic. However, meta-research into own made-up term has now revealed that made-up meta-term accompanied by made-up meta-metaphysical consequences by meta-commenter in meta-commentary exchange has now been determined superior not only to meta-exchange more entertaining than actual exchange, but trumped all real topics, real commenters, actual comments, terms, and even skin life such that poster has been rendered speechless, opinionless, and caught in a near-catatonic karma collapse of epic power. HAL? HAL?? So many stars, HAL!
compulsively and incautiously confesses to discovery of hamster porn when googling term ‘snarkporn’
Thank you. I feel better now.
request to like AliceWeir’s comment in a number so high it is without name.
Demands credit for having read article somewhere else first.
echoes demand and praises speedy comprehension of major issue
Reminds everyone that it’s possible to Like the “this topic has closed” post.
Psh, yeah? Well, article has been debunked anyways.
Accuses @JonasEggeater for working for Herr Bumblefuck
fingers individual as a spy / mole from Theresa May’s office
jokes that he’s always like The Last Post, blind to the embarrassment and cringing in the audience
Cleverly refutes accusations with ad hominem attacks, and say that I’ve never even heard of Herr Bumblefuck. Conspicuously doesn’t mention personal opinions on Theresa May.
composes funny limerick bawdily mocking Madame Theresa, points out no wonder the home office is in such a state if she’s posting all day on BBS
Confuses “Madame Theresa” with “Mother Theresa,” and accuses you of mocking a saint.
How could you??
Misses sarcasm, po-facedly posts links to article debunking MT’s saintliness.
[smiley] + amused words at the very thought of the immense ravine between Mme Theresa de Whitehall and Mother Theresa, but clarifying has atheist beliefs, supports guns (or laws, depends on the day) and likes expensive pencils
Follows link and is embarrassed to find out that Mother Theresa isn’t a saint. Replies with, “Yeah, whatever. It was still rude.”
Calls @peregrinus_bis a fedora-wearing heretic for being atheist.