Oprah Winfrey speaks out at the Golden Globe awards

And I always thought that I would never see a black President in my lifetime, yet here we are.


Derp! You missed the “woman” part.

No prob, I know reading is hard.

Trolling Flat Earthers with bling.

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But that name recognition, though:


At the time that was the version of the story activists cultivated because they figured it was more likely to win over public sympathy than “uppity-you-know-who decides to start some shit on a bus instead of just taking her seat like everyone else.”

In reality the Rosa Parks story illustrates how people are more likely to create social change by actively instigating events rather than merely reacting to them.

Maybe that’s the real reason our society still clings to the “Rosa Parks was just an average black woman who got tired” story. You can’t very well give people ideas about taking radical action.


Personal belief is people want the ‘lone woman makes a stand because she’s tired and she doens’t want to move just because some random asshole said so’ story, because it fits very nicely with the myth of ‘if you have enough grit and drive you can do anything you please by just the sweat of your brow and work of your hands.’ That is what is so damned attractive in america. Going ‘no this was planned by a large group and Miss Parks was just the tip of an iceberg one of many’ does not fit the narritive of ‘individualist grit winning the day.’


Interesting how strong that narrative is. How useful it is…


The thing is i don’t see a conspiricy here. I just see human nature at work. We want to believe we can do unaided since asking for help removes our own agency in our lives. That said I do believe that while not any grand work of a shadowy group the narritive of the ruggid indavidualist being pushed a little bit more is done to keep people focusing on they themselves and distrusting large groups. Indaviduals are easy to silence. Groups are difficult if not impossible.

See also how corporations have government ears and how das maus has bought copyright as forever minus a day.




So is this going to be entirely about whether she should run for President, even though she has not said anything about that, or about that fucking fantastic speech she gave?


Right? I loved that little talk. It set things right in the world for an all too brief moment.


It was a really good speech.


The disastrous result was that Clinton won the popular vote, but that she didn’t bury an alleged rapist, confirmed racist, childish, petty, vindictive, thieving, scumbag that is tantamount to a villain from Captain Planet except that he’s real, and he’s president of the United States of America. People should have come out in droves to make sure that Trump wasn’t elected, but they didn’t, and when faced with the lesser of two evils, there will never be the enthusiasm that we could get if we thought we were choosing, if not the greater of two goods, then at least good vs evil, or maybe just good vs dumb.

In my region I saw maybe two Hillary signs in a sea of Trump, and a good fraction of the Trump signs were home made. I saw which way my state was swinging months before the election. My local DNC office didn’t even have Clinton signs and neither did the next town over.

All this said, I don’t think Oprah would make the best president for the many reasons listed in this thread. I think that if we rely the same TV personality shenanigans that got Trump elected, we’ll be driven even further into the alternate reality, of Reality TV.

Playing a rigged game the way it’s tilted will never give us a real victory, we need to convince people that we can uncouple politics and money, or at least put some distance between them. Even if it’s not possible, we have to try.


Maybe she should run as VP. There is video of Trump saying she’d be great.

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I think RHK was saying that it is indeed hard to imagine a black woman winning the presidency given the way the deck is stacked against them, but that before Obama it was hard to imagine a black man being president. A sort of “Well, maybe we’re wrong wrong” optimism.

I’m not even remotely dismissing the difficulty of winning the presidency as a woman, but Oprah is Oprah. Certainly if you’d asked me in 2006 whether Obama or Oprah* was more likely to be president one day, I would have picked her.

* I’m conscious that I called a man by his and name and a woman by her first name here, but it’s Oprah. I’m not going to call Oprah, “Winfrey”.

Frankly surprised nobody’s asked condeliza rice to run. She has political experiance and to put blunt that’d give the republicn base something to crow over. ‘we want a black woman asa president. stop playing the ‘racist asshole’ card on us.’

Even though put blunt I am of the view most diehard far rightwingers are racist assholes.

Then again that’s probably WHY condeliza wasn’t asked to run.

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