“Ordinary Sacramento,” a photo series honoring hometown listlessness

Originally published at: "Ordinary Sacramento," a photo series honoring hometown listlessness | Boing Boing



Lovely evergreens though.

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Those cypresses are frigging awesome. Also the weather looks lovely.


Insert soundtrack from any Jim Jarmusch film here.

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Pointy evergreens + El Camino Dr. = Anywhere in CA.


Yeah, love those junipers. We had one in Maryland that we grew from a foot-high sapling to about 15 feet, and we were devastated when a high wind snapped it off.


Perfectly Sac-Town.

We had “cars of Sacramento” group that was wonderful!


I was into my second year at my first employer when I took a purely investigative job interview at an aerospace firm in Sacramento. The firm’s atmosphere oozed suspiciously low energy. From the interview (and based on what I saw), I learned that the firm took (in my opinion) a dangerously lazy approach to safety. In fact, their approach was institutionalized: they required their research/test engineers to actually build their assigned rigs and ‘benches’. (I’m talking about working around highly energetic and poisonous propellants.) Very, very, strange. It was about a year or so later that news came down that one engineer there was killed in an explosion involving the rig he himself had been working on. I wasn’t surprised.


Fellow born, raised, and current Sacramentan here (although I live only about 100 yards from the Placer County line these days).
Thanks for posting this. I’ve tried for so long to come up with a succinct way to verbalize it. And I’m still at a loss to put it to words, but visually this just hits the nail so on the head about what this area is like. Why I love it. Why it bores me. What it means to live here. Heck, I have 6 of the cypress trees in my own yard :wink:


My favorite is the Tallyho Dr. property. Growing up in Central California and I feel like that photo is spot on for any city located off the 99.


Summer is right around the corner!


Those photos are lovely and full of ennui.


Not gonna lie here, I love these photos. In my mind, they sincerely, unironically make Sacramento appealing. Maybe it’s because I’ve lived in Austin for the last 40 years, and I’ve watched in dismay while it transformed itself from an small, ordinary, sleepy, university town with truly interesting people and a decent local live music scene into a “cool”, “exciting”, “vibrant” city (by which I mean “a dull city”) that has begun to attract the likes of Joe Rogaine, Elon Musk, and other boring-ass tech somnambulist types.

At any rate, if these photos are indicative of Sacramento, then I might have to make a reconnaissance trip or two to go check it out. Ordinary is just what I need.


As I intimated above, as a lifelong Sacramento native, I think these photos pretty much nail Sactown. Perhaps not all of it. Perhaps not every neighborhood. But if you want a succinct visual take on the zeitgeist of the area, these do the job.

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