Outtakes from an Orson Welles wine commercial after he had drunk too much wine

In Jodorowsky’s Dune, Alejandro Jodorowsky tells a story about how he recruited Welles to be Baron Harkonnen; he found out where he had a regular table at his favorite restaurant and ambushed him with the script. Welles turned him down repeatedly until he was promised a personal chef on-set at all times, at which point he accepted the role.


Over here in the UK, Orson Welles is best known for his quote ‘Carlsberg: probably the best lager in the world.’

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I wonder if one thing has to do with the other: they just hadn’t done the Foley yet (and they wouldn’t go back and do one for an outtake). I’m wondering if the “MWAAAAHHH” is Orson reacting to the (imagined) sound of a cork popping, but it wouldn’t be added until later during editing. Even in that context, his “reaction” is still hilarious, and I plan to make that sound the next time someone opens a bottle of bubbly.

I explained to my son how Orson was fired from making these commercials (because he claimed he never drank Paul Masson). When I suggested he must have drank some on the set, my son pointed out that perhaps he simply showed up for work that way.


For several years in college, my answering machine message was just the sound of:
ring ring “MWAAHHAAA the French!” beeep


Funnily enough, just yesterday my daughter was saying that she only recently put together the fact that the main campus of the University of Illinois is in Champaign-Urbana, not Chicago. UofI is an excellent state university, particular in certain fields such as engineering and computer science, but she said “everyone knows” that Champaign-Urbana is a major party school. She had never realized those were two different ways to refer to the same school, depending on which aspect you wanted to emphasize.

I have no idea whether or not the city name (actually, they’re twin cities) was meant to refer to Champagne in France, but there are enough other French place names in Illinois to suggest the possibility.


I started watching that just to listen to his voiceover work, but then found myself wanting to watch the cartoon. It seems like such an improvement on the movies. Michael Bay, what have you done?


He’s just rehashing Titus Andronicus there.


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