Park Ranger apologizes to GOP congressman for government shutdown

Look, I don't love the Democrats but at least they aren't trying to burn down the government for political gain. Ideally we'd have a third party, or even better we'd have a Republican party that wasn't batshit insane. Nope. Then they say Obama/the Senate aren't compromising/negotiating when they aren't doing anything of the sort. You don't compromise/negotiate by saying "give me what I want, or I'll do this to the government". That is plain extortion.

And many people still think that Democrats and Republicans are exactly the same.

Sigh… when will they learn? There really is some vital differences (overall) and there’s such a thing as a lesser evil and voting consecutively for said lesser evil truly matters… that is, if we’d ever just try it in the first place (which we never have). It’s tragic and I hope one good that comes out of this mess is people stop embracing false equivalency (despite their warranted loathing for Democrats) and finally after all these decades stop playing ping-pong.