Parks Canada would like to teach you the difference between sheep and goats

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The error is far more common the other way around - since sheep tend to hang around where there are lots of people, they’re much more available for misidentification.

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Well. thanks for that @SeamusBellamy Are you going to rock me to sleep and comfort me when the nightmares come?


Yes, thanks, Seamus. A much-appreciated unicorn chaser to the news of the day.

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Wtf is with the german accents? I get that a lot of euros have migrated to Banff but that isn’t how most of us talk.


I’d better not be hearing that refrain over and over in my head on my way home from work tonight or so help…

Sheep and goats. Goats and sheep. We live where the mountains are steep.

Goats and sheep. Sheep and goats. Climbing high we don’t need your rope. Nope. Nope.



But will it help people identify the differences between their bones? Separating the sheep from the goats is a big deal in Old World zooarchaeology.

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Now you’ve got no mistake for ever thinking goats are sheep ever again.

No! You still might if you try to use this schema in Dall sheep territory (the sheep in this lesson are bighorns). Dall sheep are as white as goats and its a bit trickier to tell the two apart.


Time for Cake to either usurp that ear-worm or to further add to the dialog…


Sheep go to heaven. Goats go to hell.

ETA dammit @ikeOnABike !


Easy. Goats are sheep with attitude.

While bighorn sheep are in the same genus as domestic sheep, mountain goats are not in the same genus as goats. Mountain goats are in their own genus and about as closely related to sheep as to goats.


You mean altitude, right?


I was hoping for a Hinterlands type thing… this is till amusing though.

It’s not possible to sing accompaniment to an alpine accordion song without it.

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The merest accident of microgeography had meant that the first man to hear the voice of Om, and who gave Om his view of humans, was a shepherd and not a goatherd. They have quite different ways of looking at the world, and the whole of history might have been different. For sheep are stupid, and have to be driven. But goats are intelligent, and need to be led.

– Terry Pratchett Small Gods.

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No, you’re thinking about chamois there.

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