Passengers gang up to stop a man from escaping a bus after he allegedly sexually assaults a student

Originally published at: Passengers gang up to stop a man from escaping a bus after he allegedly sexually assaults a student | Boing Boing


They are in for some goody points on their social credit balance. Unless of course the guy is a party member.


I saw a similar incident on the subway in NYC years ago. A young woman suddenly yelled “WTF are you doing?!” to some middle-aged creepo who’d tried to cop a feel.

He tried to get away at the next stop (didn’t even protest his innocence) but everyone either blocked the car doors or gathered around the woman to make her feel safe and comfort her. Since someone also pressed the alarm, the cops were waiting at the stop after that to detain the loser and take the statements of the victim and some witnesses.

No-one who’s victmised in these situations should ever hesitate to speak up. People are always willing to help, even in supposedly heartless and apathetic cities.


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