Passengers having sex on plane are exposed when flight attendant opens door (video)

These budget airlines always find a way to screw their passengers! :wink:


I’d bet the number of people injured or killed annually from having sex in airplane bathrooms is close to zero.

As for health, if you mean the health of the people engaged in the act, isn’t that their choice? If you mean the health of the people using the bathroom after them, let’s not forget that we’re talking about an airplane bathroom, which isn’t known for its cleanliness to begin with.

Not sure how this is any more of a nuisance than somebody stuck in there with constipation. In fact, that video showed it to be more of an entertaining event for the whole plane than a nuisance for anybody.


Kudos to making it happen in such a tight space. They deserve a medal in my book! Or at least a Merit Badge.


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I rather think instituting a dystopian drink-surveillance society to keep tourists in line is probably not really viable - just forcing tourists to leave the pool/beach to get more drinks (and not just sit at the hotel guzzling a constant stream of alcohol) probably helped somewhat (and put more money in the local economy). It’s like the US college “spring-break” destinations, where people are coming to engage in certain kinds of behavior, and they will as long as the businesses that cater to them (at a particular price point) are there.

Hyper- local, I would imagine - I suspect once you leave the area of the hotels where the tourists are staying in their “all-inclusive” holidays, their economic contribution drops off sharply (and is limited to bars within short walking distance). These aren’t tourists interested in sight-seeing or cultural events, after all…


A person who is stuck in there with constipation is still using the lavatory for its intended purpose, and probably can’t just wait it out until the plane lands. Horny drunks have no such excuse. At any rate the person who posted this video wrote that multiple passengers had been complaining to the flight crew that the couple had been occupying the lavatory for a long time, so it clearly was impacting other passengers.

Plus this kind of behavior can make for a hostile workplace environment for the flight crew. No one should ever be put in a position where they are forced to deal with another person’s sexual activity just to get through their work day.


I was going to say; they were escorted off the plane so they could resume in the middle of the terminal where they could spread out more?


Nah - the whole point of doing it on the plane to Ibiza is that by the time they arrive (and if not, then very shortly afterwards) they will be too drunk to do it, and will remain so for the entire rest of their time there. On the flight home, they’ll still be too drunk - that or comatose.

(Hmmm - am I guilty of exaggerating a certain stereotype here?) :man_shrugging::wink:

PS Happy cake day!

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Yeah and also if some one can’t relieve their bowels in time it’s a lot nastier for everyone and creates an actual health hazard.

If people have to wait to have sex until later it’s basically just fine.

I think maybe it’s just one of those things that is so supremely selfish that people make laws to compel people to be considerate of others.


That probably sounds much dirtier than you intended


The same probably goes for not having your tray table up or your seat in the full upright position during takeoff and landing. Airplane rules are stricter than on the ground to keep injuries and deaths at zero.

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Unless the cultural event is clubbing


Go to Denver.


Or Quito for bonus points.


Been to both, but never considered that schtupping there would qualify. Guess I’m cooler than I thought.

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