Paul Gosar reacts to story about shooting immigrants: "There's a bunch of people ready to go into action"

Originally published at: Paul Gosar reacts to story about shooting immigrants: "There's a bunch of people ready to go into action" | Boing Boing


does that schmuck actually think lake is the governor? or is this just maintaining the lie at all costs?


After watching some of Walter’s recent videos - I’m not sure comedian is the best way to describe him.

To me - he kind of fits into a different category - more of a shit-disturbing activist/journalist who just happens to be funny/annoying.

That’s not to say I don’t like him - especially how he gets in the grill of hypocrites and fanatics. Keep it up Walter!!


As a resident of AZ, let me just say that we are working on it. Grass root, independent voter organizations and candidates (Sinema doesn’t count) are springing up fast. It seem citizens are finally taking matters into their own hands. Noteworthy efforts are Voter Choice Arizona with ranked choice voting, and Save Democracy AZ for open primaries. These two organizations are considering joining efforts and have a combined ballot initiative ready. Up next: defund cable.


UC: We’ve shot at them and you know, our Second Amendment rights to stand our ground.

There has never been any such Constitutional right. Bad thing to say, even as a joke.


That does seem accurate to how a lot of ammosexuals view the amendment, though. Or what they want it to be, perhaps. The right to own a deadly weapon means nothing if you can’t also use it for it’s intended purpose, after all.


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