Pearl-clutching Pro-Trumpers file a complaint about a thing that didn't happen

Citation? Some Puritans were persecuted and left England of their own accord, going to the Netherlands and later to the New World. The English didn’t exactly kick them out, but widely regarded them as nuisances and weren’t sorry to see them go.


I only just now realized I shoulda opened with this:

MPFC S02E05 Live from the Grill-o-Mat


Don’t count on it…
Actual thing that happened when my brother and his wife went on a cruise in French Polynesia for their honeymoon:
The boat they were on pulled into port and while everyone was standing on the rail, they approached a smaller vessel and people were sunbathing nekkid. This lady says words to the effect that it’s not right, etc… My brother says that he’s pretty sure they are well within their rights to sunbathe how they see fit. In a huff and searching for something to say, the lady leads with “well, this IS America”.
500 facepalms.


PLEASE tell me someone immediately piped up;

“Mais non, mon ami; it is not!”


Good news, if that other guy is president there will be no Last Super shenanigans in Los Angeles in 2028.

Gonna need the Sure Jan gif for that last line.

Trump said if he were at the 2028 Los Angeles Olympic Games and could influence the organizers, there wouldn’t be a portrayal of “The Last Supper.”

“We won’t be having a Last Supper as portrayed the way they portrayed it the other night,” he told Fox News host Laura Ingraham.

“I mean, they can do certain things. I thought it was terrible,” Trump said. “Look, I’m for everybody. I’m very open-minded… but I thought what they did was a disgrace.”


It’s generally accepted that Leonardo da Vinci was gay, so conventional Republican mores would hold his art desanctified and invalid.

But what would that mean to those deeply practised hypocrites?


Don Jr. had things to say but the more interesting thing is, no, his mom was not in the Olympics.

My mom was an Olympian (Czech Natl Ski Team), and as a kid we would be excited for weeks leading up to the games. Now with the ever predictable (& seemingly satanic to me) drag queen opening ceremonies and never ending bs, no one I know even thinks about it beyond maybe watching some highlights. It’s such a shame that event that used to create so much national pride now creates, at best, indifference. Using the games to push woke ideology has zero to do with anything the games stands for. Rather than highlighting the incredible accomplishments of these amazing athletes corp media subverts all their hard work to push leftist insanity… it’s not only a shame, but a true disservice to some of the most talented and dedicated people on earth. Hopefully one day enough people will finally have had enough of the BS. Till then you can continue to watch everything good and decent and everything you hold dear get burned to the f…ing ground. The choice is yours.


That last pic: Nudist colony garden gnome. :wink:


It’s definitely a cult, yes. But maybe they just really like looking at testicles? That’s another explanation.


Just checking to see if they’re tanned enough…


Hey, it’s not like anyone makes fake testicles to hang on the back of their Cybertruck or…huh.


Probably. I don’t remember the entire story, just that part - that was like 25 years ago. :slight_smile:


Q: Why does Adam Sandler cast Rob Schneider in so many movies?
A: For the charitable tax write-off.


Bacchus, what an asshole.


I predict there will be Cybertrucks. Loads and loads of unsold Cybertrucks that Tesla donated to the Olympic Games to get rid of them and, needles to say, as some sort of tax offset.


Meanwhile - back in Paris, media execs and the Olympic organising committee can’t believe their luck; not only have they upset the Americans, but millions more people are watching the video.

LA - you’re going to have to up your game for 2028.


Tell me someone said, ‘No, it’s France.’ And watched their head explode.


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