Peckin' Pixels is a fun resource management game about running a chicken farm

Originally published at: Peckin' Pixels is a fun resource management game about running a chicken farm | Boing Boing

Speaking of games with very good chicken-based pixel art which aren’t based on the Unity handwarmer framework*, I’ve recently been playing Bomb Chicken, which is fantastic. It prolapses my brain that the developer (Nitrome) doesn’t get more attention, because they just churn out these nearly perfect games.

* if your basic 2D solitaire game makes my phone hot enough to fry an egg and drains my battery flat in 25 minutes, why not consider using, you know, programming instead?

Speaking of speaking of chicken things, I also hereby pimp my 3D printable plump chicken and related chicken piggy bank. Which, yes, now I say it I realise I ought to make a version which is a pig/chicken hybrid somehow.

As for the linked game, I haven’t formed a strong opinion yet, but I will inform my friend who’s an avid chicken lady, and will probably criticise the game’s agri-politics but also spend hours playing it.

Anyway I like that you can give the chickens outfits

You sure this is a game abd bit a hack of foster farms management system?

Darnit, can’t find a good video of the chicken management system in the original Dungeon Keeper, in which a slapped chicken would explode into a pile of feathers (and add to your “Chickens slapped” counter).

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