Pelosi: 'If the goods are there, you must impeach'

Wow. That’s really pushing it. You really don’t think they might have an easier time checking this guy and providing oversight by increasing their support and margins in government. The lack of which is largely responsible for stalling things out? You think an impeachment attempt that does insufficient damage to Trump to impact his reelection will leave anyone grounds or ability to rein him in?

Any check on Trump that’s so ineffective it merely clears the way for more fascist dance party is bad. Not morally bad, or ethically bad, or spiritually bad. But actually, practically bad. Failing to consider the possibility is not “country over party”, its stupid and dangerous.

I’m willing to bet you would not be particularly happy if they threw everything into an impeachment attempt starting tomorrow and failed. And then subsequently lost big in the election. Leaving total GOP control of the federal government and a larger number of states.

Meanwhile the election remains critically important whether Trump makes it that far or not. Impeachment or no. because Trump is not the problem, the GOP is the problem. Trump is just the outcome of years of feeding and mainstreaming the fringe. He’s a result not a cause. And overcoming that isn’t as simple as removing or defeating a single politician. Nor is it likely to be the work of a single election.

No more like if you squander your biggest possible check, and he also manages to cobble together another electoral win.

What possible avenues are left for you to push back? Democrats already have a pretty narrow ability to properly fulfil their duty here, and they only have enough control to obstruct rather than drive policy. 4 years of Trump where current avenues are off the table would be a disaster.

Holding back impeachment in case of electoral fail makes sense. And if you win you’ve got more power to investigate and prosecute. It may not be the best approach. But its not pointless or abdicating duty.

And that they are not “doing nothing”.

@anotherone how exactly do you impeach over the obstruction in the Mueller report if you are not allowed to see the evidence showing that obstruction? How do you even know its appropriate to do so? How do you even investigate if you are currently blocked from the people, organizations, and documents that can provide that evidence? Invoking impeachment does not magically mean that Trump won’t fight subpoenas, that witnesses will suddenly agree to testify, that suddenly state level investigations and law suits will move faster. The DNC has only had sufficient seats to do anything at all in congress for 6 months.

You don’t see how a DNC controlled house sending armed officials to detain Republicans might look bad? How it might be easy to spin? Say as part of an organized coup lead by a coalition of Democrats and the Mueller lead deep state? Not that anyone out there has been floating that idea for months and its gained serious traction among the alt-right and other armed conspiracy types. And certainly not at large partisan rallies where that anyone advocates violence against political opponents.

Funny cause there’s currently a bunch of lawfully issued subpoenas they’ve issued and they’re actively fighting in court to have them enforced without resorting to sending armed officials to detain their political opponents.

Probably once that subpoena they issued clears Trump’s attempts to quash it. And those other subpoenas they issued clear the White House’s legal challenges in those lawsuits they filed to enforce them through the courts rather than resorting to sending armed congressional officials to detain other government officials…

Eta: Plus its not like Inherent Contempt will work any faster. It in no way prevents the GOP from challenging subpoenas or using other delay tactics. We’d likely see the same series of pointless negotiation, challenges, and time spent establishing that these people need to cooperate.