Pentagon's UFO report: no evidence of extraterrestrials, but can't eliminate the possibility either

My impression is that the true confounding UAPs are actually the ones that have clear corroborated instrumental and biological observations, not an actual lack of information.

But of course, we’ll never know because there is no transparency on the subject because national security, and protection of means and methods…

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Great, that fucker Santa is now screwing around with the U.S. Navy!!! He doesn’t have elves, he has trolls!

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I taut so too! :thinking:

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in fact, it’d be a very weird world if we could successfully identify every ariel phenomenon. especially seeing as we’re still learning about naturally caused phenomenon.

any person or organization who claims to know everything about some subject… well, they’re wrong unless the subject is so trivial as to be useless

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That’s my guess as well. That they don’t consider it worth the time and effort to debunk the crackpots. Who are mostly ‘undebunkable’ anyhow. I can hardly imagine the military being that incompetent. Though I have no problems believing some of the pilots don’t understand what they see. I think the some of these videos were made when the equipment was brand new, and the pilots were probably not really used to it.

But it is been conclusively proven in the last few years that ‘harmless’ crackpot beliefs don’t really exist in this day and age. I’d much prefer if they put at least some effort in classifying /explaining these videos for the general public.

The automatic subtitles are getting rather good! I had a very hard time understanding the accent of the commenter in that video (as a non native speaker I get confused if someone pronounces FLIR as FLOR, for example) but with subtitles it was fine.

Check your ego sir if you think every officer that observes something that’s outside your paradigm is a crackpot

“Unidentified” for 70 years…

And apparent obstruction to any independent investigation and inquiries…

It was always Russell’s teapot. Prove me wrong!



The teapot is out there


The amount of credible and corroborated tesitimonies and instrument readings, is not proof that UAPs are necessarily extraordinary in nature, I’ll grant you that; but it is proof that it is more than an imaginary philosophical device. IMO Russell’s teapot is a bad faith analogy.

Kind of the point.

Pentagon’s UFO report: no evidence of extraterrestrials, but can’t eliminate the possibility either

Of course they can’t eliminate the possibility. How the hell could they prove a negative like that? Any unexplained sighting could always be aliens, because … aliens!


If your point is bad faith, you are not advancing the discussion.

As I pointed out earlier, they could clarify some of their classification criterias, list what they do know about some UAPs and make it obvious what they know they are not. The lack of transparency resulted in the public arguing about possibilities that have already been excluded by the intelligence agencies.

The fact that they have stalled the discussion to “Unidentified” for 70 years is indicative IMO of either, incompetence, lack of motivation, or obfuscation.



ego intact.

The aliens must have forgotten to remove it on my last abduction :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But seriously, I wasn’t talking about officers reporting something. They probably honestly report something they don’t (immediately) understand. I was talking about the denizens of r/UFOS and the like. There’s a high percentage of crackpots there.

My guess is on this one. Or some way to subtly flex their superior radar tech to other countries. Incompetence seems hardly believable, because for some of these (GOFAST, ‘the pyramid’) the actual plausible explanation is so simple (parallax, bokeh) that it would be very worrisome if they were that incompetent.

Obfuscation could be a part if it too. Maybe there are a few movies of their own new tech which they prefer not to explain. And hence they prefer to let them sit in a sea of harmless unexplained-but-obvious stuff.


The Commenter of that video has a speech impediment, he uploads his own subtitles.

He has an active following that discusses the topics before and after videos are posted. I’m not sure how he has kept the trolls out.

I shared him because his analysis shows just how nonsensical most UFO “researchers” arguments for UFOs being alien craft are. If you assert that a craft must have wormhole tech or is popping in and out from a higher dimension. Why would you need a physical craft? Just use a telescope.

His has a series on Alien Civilizations is also great.



It’s a very nice video indeed.

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That chart needs one alien weather balloon.

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