People pay $20 to enter Rage Room and destroy things with a bat

Yeah you could make it work. And I’d love to be a customer :smile:
Maybe personalized items… “I’d like a copy machine please. Make sure it has a paper jam”

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It would be when you get into broken glass, sharp metal, etc. But yeah as mentioned with enough padding, wavers, etc. you could get away with it

I’ve vaguely heard of a high priced variations where the targets are pieces of electronics or more than moderately priced luxury goods-- e.g. “smash a Ferrari.”, “drive a golf club through a 65 inch TV”,–providing a convenient outlet for the idle rich to engage in cathartic consumption.

Ok, but Toronto did it first and we did it with “table flipping”.

It was “Smash Club” around here…

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It’s called the Bullingdon Club in Oxford. Dates back to 1780.

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Does distraction or rumination work better to diffuse anger? Catharsis theory predicts that rumination works best, but empirical evidence is lacking. In this study, angered participants hit a punching bag and thought about the person who had angered them (rumination group) or thought about becoming physically fit (distraction group). After hitting the punching bag, they reported how angry they felt. Next, they were given the chance to administer loud blasts of noise to the person who had angered them. There also was a no punching bag control group. People in the rumination group felt angrier than did people in the distraction or control groups. People in the rumination group were also most aggressive, followed respectively by people in the distraction and control groups. Rumination increased rather than decreased anger and aggression. Doing nothing at all was more effective than venting anger. These results directly contradict catharsis theory.

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Bingo! And I am more of a “Well, they said it would be $20 to go in here and bust shit up. They didn’t specify that that did not include…”

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I’m willing to bet that they actually specify exactly that. :slight_smile:

More evolved minds don’t need to destroy physical objects.

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