Peruvian fisherman’s body inflates after surfacing from dive too quickly

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What an odd synthetic voice. It sounded almost real at first. I guess real news readers cost too much, but did they have to do their hiring from the Uncanny Valley?


I’m missing some piece of this story. How does trapped gas that was previously dissolved in your blood increase your weight when released?


I doubt it would fully explain it, but the higher pressure underwater increases the amount of gas that can dissolve in your blood, which increases your mass if it’s not released through gradual (or explosive, e.g. “the bends”) decompression. How he gained 70 pounds from it, I have no idea.


Here ya go, buddy.


Where’s that jpg I saw (here?) a couple of days ago illustrating the awful consequences of holding farts in?


Daily Heil is always true!


The only piece that matters is that it’s from the Daily Mail, and is therefore either a gross distortion of the facts or downright untrue.

Real source or it didn’t happen.

BB contributors: it’s your blog; you can post whatever you want, but I’d prefer (FWIW) it if you didn’t waste our time and neurons on anything from the Mail. Ever.

ETA: Again FWIW, ‘experts’ are apparently sceptical.
(I’m not familiar with the International Business Times - it could be another unreliable source. But anything’s better than the Mail.)


Indeed, my first thought was, “I don’t think the bends work that way.” My second thought was, “Nope, not going to find more information at that source.”

Cases of decompression sickness are relatively rare. In the US, about 1,000 divers a year suffer from the condition, according to the non-profit organisation Divers Alert Network. Other studies have put the rate of cases of the bends at between 1 and 35 cases per 10,000 dives. Severe untreated decompression sickness is fatal.

Do you think that’s because divers tend to be carefully trained and not due to the improbability of nitrogen bubbles?


He tried to alleviate the associated psychological distress by binging on twinkies and milkshakes.


I’m just guessing, but maybe damaged tissue swells and accumulates water?

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…the story is a crock?


Well, if you do your own “research”, sooner or later, you’ll come across “Byford Dolphin autopsy photos”. Although they do sound like something that the Daily Mail would print.

Either way, be careful.


Yes please. Also, you know, sending clicks to fascists.


“Fluids accumulating in damaged tissues” is the only explanation that makes sense to me. The story doesn’t specify that he gained that weight all at once.


Good call. I suppose it’s possible for him to have consumed well over 70 lbs of fluids post trauma.

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Did his ears swell up also? He kind of looks… Vulcan.

Divers are taught never to ascend faster than their own exhaled bubbles. Its not a perfect rule but it does minimize the number of people who surface really fast.

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I always wondered how Bill Bixby turned into Lou Ferrigno. The only remaining mystery is how he turned green.

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