Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/08/31/philippine-president-rodrigo-d.html
Unfuck that guy; what an asshole.
“I’m not a misogynist! I appointed many women to key positions in the government. Then I raped them. Don’t worry, they won’t complain because they know I’m not a misogynist.”
Or fuck him… with a saguaro cactus… sideways.
Seriously, the guy seriously went with the “the women are too beautiful not to rape” line. Dude is a rapist.
Something just occurred to me.
When Drumpf praises Duterte for killing drug dealers he just assumes that those drug dealers are people of color and not Philippine.
If that sentence makes little sense, I blame the murky depths of the orange ones mind.
Sorry, Mr. Roque, I’ll keep my own counsel about how much concern I have about a country’s leader joking about rape.
See ladies? If you would just keep those burqas on, you’d be fine.
@MaiqTheLiar I think Trump would consider Philippinos to be people of color, although he would probably use a different word.
Same monster praised by Trump for promoting thousands of extra-judicial killings of supposed drug dealers. And like Trump, another monster who badly needs too be overthrown, stat.
Well, then there’s that teensy side issue of being a genocidal maniac.
That’s, uh, a part of what I was getting at.
He might even think of them a foreigners in their own country, but even more “other” would be “drug dealers” because they are all black and Latinx.
For example if he ever thinks of Puerto Rico as part of the US he surely thinks of Puerto Ricans as foreigners.
He even thinks that they mispronounce the name of their own country.
It’s a frightening and evil place, the orange “mind,” but I think I may be onto something,
whether I can communicate it or not.
Given their Spanish names it probably wouldn’t even be the right word either.
It’s all those mysogynistic Filipino dictators who are driving the “getting shot in the dick crisis”. I mean, if they didn’t have dicks then they wouldn’t be getting shot in them amirite?
We were thinking about which island to send the sitting president to in another thread.
Maybe I should rethink the concept.
Islands never are far away enough, anyway.
Self-confessed murderer
Ethnic and religious bigot
Sexist swine
Admired by Donny Two Scoops.
He just has all the good qualities, doesn’t he?
Hey Duterte…
no islands are not far enough away but a radioactive one might be remote enough to keep future generations from uncovering the ancient evil exiled there as well as emphasize the glow his hair has and maybe even mutate his hands smaller.
you could put duterde there with him and put a radioactive rape warning sign in front of the island.
Same goes for his spokesman, who’s falling back on defending this scumbag by using it as an opportunity to divide the country further:
“I don’t think we should give too much weight on what the president says by way of a joke,” Mr. Roque said, adding that residents of the southern Philippines tended to be less easily offended than their compatriots in the capital.
This is just a Filipino version of “you liberal snowflakes aren’t as down-to-earth as people who live in the heartland” we hear all the time from the alt-right and their apologists here.
Ah yes, the ‘just joking’ dodge: a reliable, cross-cultural marker of asshattery.
It comes down to two simple words popular with a not insignificant percentage of the population…
Oh, oh wait, followed by the sound effect ; pew, pew, pew, and the punctuation; !!!