Phoenix's police union has a secret deal with the department to purge dirty cops' disciplinary records

“… disciplinary records of cops would be “purged,” so that no one, not even their supervisors, would be able to retrieve them.”

“The Arizona Republic… uncovered more than 600 acts of wrongdoing committed by 525 cops (out of 3,000 PD employees) in just the past five years, with 90% of all “serious misconduct” incidents being purges from cops’ records.”

Well… somebody fucked up.

The main ingredient in that “magic sauce”: Guilt Across The Board; union and department have “things” to tell on each other, so they protect each other.

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Thoughts and scares.

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In a state that allowed Joe Arpaio to exist, this is no surprise.

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Knowing where the mayor’s dead are buried. Literally in some cases.

They have incredible PR, the ability to tweak the crime stats and tank any mayor’s reelection campaign, they act in unison, and when someone overcomes all of that, they aren’t at all shy about rioting.

Meanwhile, in California…

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Bad, yes, but not just as bad for those with no authority in a bad department. Baltimore PD is one of those bad departments where good cops are forced out by their bad peers; in case fired by his peers (the 9 mm type of firing). When it is the supervisors, and especially chiefs, covering up, they are not just as bad, they are worse. The same goes for police union bosses.

All cops who abuse their piwer should be fired. At. With an antiaircraft cannon.

Messy, messy, messy, but effective. I believe the North Korean government uses a 14.5 mm machine gun, which limits collateral damage as long as there is nothing to be harmed downrange.

On the other hand, being sent to prison after being identified as a bad cop is far more scary. Even the threat of a no-bail arrest is scary enough, as some big cities are run by inmate gangs as much as they are run by the official guards.

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