Phony free-speech advocate Elon Musk bans prominent left-wing Twitter accounts

I think I'm going to be sick


We could just have a bot that makes a post based on this template in response to everything he does. I mean, does it even need to be said out loud? It’s the first thing we hear in our heads anyway.

Somehow, though, it’s still fun to see it in the scroll so, cheers. :+1:

A system that relies on a centralised corporation to enforce the rules will always turn out badly for those of us on the left, because our interests and those of people in charge of corporations are fundamentally opposed.

If the internet is supposed to be a digital town square, it’s now a company town, and the cops are all Pinkertons.


I’m not ready to give up on the whole internet yet, but replace “the internet” with “Twitter” there, and I think it’s a brilliant analogy.
I don’t spend much time there, but checked out Stephen King’s recent driving trollies of Musk a few hours ago, and the replies were a garbage heap of alt-right and/or libertarians seemingly in the midst of a months-long either bunker hunk or psychedelic trip. They aren’t experiencing our shared reality.


This is what I’m meaning- the advent of corporate, centralised “social media” has effectively herded the people of the internet into these giant company towns, where they own every blade of grass, everything you do there enriches them, and the owner of the town gets to say who gets evicted. Unsurprisingly, it’s not a good place to be a union activist there.


mood GIF


And its supports will warn of the evil of government control. No, seriously.


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