Photo of beached mystery sea monster with terrifying toothy smile sparks fear and curiosity

Originally published at: Photo of beached mystery sea monster with terrifying toothy smile sparks fear and curiosity | Boing Boing


and yeah, that’s a dolphin mouth.


I love that this story showed the weird thing and then also gave the perfectly normal explanation for it. I wish more outlets did this, so thank you BoingBoing!

99% of the time, these stories are reported as “OMG crazy sea monster” and left at that. Let’s be honest, that’s usually what BB does also. But if we wait a few days for the experts to go figure out what it is, it’s a much better story! The truth is always way more interesting than silly speculation by armchair randos.


Can I just say that I love the word manky? I don’t know why, but I do!


Alternate headline “Rotting Carcass Looks Freaky, Scares Some Rubes.”

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Zombie dolphins are truly an untapped source of horror material. It may not be a mystery but it sure does look creepy.

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Being worn by a OMG crazy sea monster

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